
Add GPS and IMU Sensor Simulations

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Not incredibly high priority but would be nice to have.

Is there any update on adding standard sensors to the simulator?

I have added imu from hector_gazebo_plugins. Similarly I am planning to add gps from that as well. I was wondering where in the robot should they be placed (in terms of coordinates or with respect to base_link)? I am not sure about the location of the sensors as I don't have a husky with me.

The pose of the standard IMU is expressed by a static transform publisher in this launch file:

However, there is a ticket to move that transform into the default URDF: husky/husky_description#3

Would happily merge a PR to that effect, especially if it aids in providing a more accurate simulator.

On that note. A simulator with GPS and LIDAR is currently being tested on the 'simulator_cleanup' branch of the various packages (husky_simulator, husky_description). Its not a good long term solution because its using an external plugin, a better solution is planned for Gazebo 2.0 as per this conversation (ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs#154)

Ah I see. I will start working with simulator_cleanup branch. It looks like you guys have got the imu, gps and laser on the husky. Thanks for the link.

Sweet! Please let us know if you have any issues with it!

This issue was resolved on this PR: 9c258f7