Simulator packages for the Clearpath Husky for Indigo & prior. For kinetic, visit
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- 0
- 0
- 0
Need more yellow color on the Top Plate
#40 opened by paribartann - 2
Improper husky figure formed in gazebo
#39 opened by abhileshborode - 2
GPS and IMU in Gazebo simulator
#38 opened by tiberium24 - 4
Cant run the simulation in indigo
#36 opened by tiberium24 - 2
Deprecated repository
#37 opened by caguero - 5
Release for ROS Kinetic
#35 opened by pfankhauser - 26
Dual UR5 Simulation
#27 opened by wxmerkt - 2
- 2
[WARN]: Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS Interface
#29 opened by aranganath - 1
Failed to build package
#30 opened by karanchawla - 2
- 3
- 1
Husky Gazebo spawns the same model regardless of launch file parameters
#18 opened by UltronDestroyer - 6
Add GPS and IMU Sensor Simulations
#3 opened by pmukherj - 0
husky_plugins needs proper velocity output
#7 opened by pmukherj - 2
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