- 2
region_a.order_granules() ,An error occurred when entering the NASA earthdata account and password
#630 opened by gaozsi - 1
Argo QC flag: feature request
#626 opened by RomiP - 0
real-time Argo
#625 opened by RomiP - 6
- 12
KeyError: 'feed' on .Query call
#621 opened by joerobinson20 - 3
- 0
- 0
Integration tests can only be run with the password to the `"icepyx_devteam"` URS account
#614 opened by mfisher87 - 2
Running tests modifies my local `.netrc` file
#610 opened by mfisher87 - 0
Cut final 1.x release from `development` branch, marking beginning of breaking changes
#599 opened by mfisher87 - 0
Add deprecation warning to icepyx v1
#545 opened by mfisher87 - 0
Update traffic info
#600 opened by mfisher87 - 0
transition to Harmony API from on-prem EGI
#530 opened by JessicaS11 - 13
- 0
Support custom back-end url
#594 opened by mfisher87 - 7
- 2
Consolidate CI from Travis -> GitHub Actions
#547 opened by mfisher87 - 0
- 2
Delegate full granule query to earthaccess, keep smart subsetting logic in icepyx
#575 opened by weiji14 - 1
[harmony] components of `ipx.variables` and `ipx.is2ref` likely impacted by transition from EGI
#579 opened by JessicaS11 - 2
- 0
Document project governance
#574 opened by mfisher87 - 7
- 3
Travis failing on fork PRs due to EDL auth error
#558 opened by mfisher87 - 0
Refactor setter for performance and readability
#553 opened by mfisher87 - 6
calls to OpenAltimetry API 404
#454 opened by JessicaS11 - 7
- 1
become PEP8 compliant
#486 opened by JessicaS11 - 0
- 0
[harmony] [docs] variables and subsetting
#533 opened by JessicaS11 - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
Unable to download 5000005497555
#523 opened by huangjingyuan7 - 2
improve QUEST documentation
#474 opened by JessicaS11 - 1
Add Examples Directory
#518 opened by JessicaS11 - 4
- 4
- 1
Make Variables an independent class
#450 opened by rwegener2 - 2
figure out where the codecov reports went
#485 opened by JessicaS11 - 0
do not run uml updates on PRs into main
#449 opened by JessicaS11 - 1
- 2
ValueError: cannot reindex or align along dimension 'delta_time' because of conflicting dimension sizes: {1112, 1098}
#466 opened by eliskasieglova - 0
only add requested beams for required variables
#471 opened by JessicaS11 - 0
icepyx required variables
#467 opened by rwegener2 - 2
ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
#465 opened by FlorinZai - 0
Intermittent Error on order_granules
#463 opened by rwegener2 - 1
Modularizing authentication
#433 opened by rwegener2 - 2
- 0
add some projection handling and checks
#440 opened by JessicaS11