
No dataloader/data_preprocessing/KITTI.kitti_utils in released code

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Thanks for the open-source release. The download_kitti.py tries to import pcl_to_depth_map from dataloader.data_preprocessing.KITTI.kitti_utils, but there is no such directory/package in the master branch. Can you please also release the related code?



I had the same problem when I first downloaded the repo. But then, on a closer look, I found on the README page a link to the dataloader repo as well. Here it is:


You have to download the necessary files/folders from there and put them in your project.

Hope this helps.


thank you for pointing out this bug and for supplying the fix already! I will update the repository accordingly.

I added the necessary files to the data_preprocessing folder. On my machine, the imports work fine now. Can you verify, if this also solves the problems for you?

Thanks for the help, Ale0311 and Klingner! The downloading process is running. This issue has been resolved.