create_report is not updating the info-columns flag when passing custom names
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Hello, I'm having issues to update the main header in the html table when I pass custom info-columns information:
create_report test.bed --genome hg38 --fasta hg38.fasta --info-columns CHROM START END VC_INFO TYPE --tracks myfile.vcf.gz mybam.bam --output report.html
The html report still have 'Chrom Start End Name' in the header.
Could you please assist on this?
Thank you
Bed files ("test.bed") do not have info columns.
But you propose an example to modify it here:
echo bed
create_report test/data/variants/variants.bed
--genome hg38
--flanking 1000
--tracks test/data/variants/variants.bed test/data/variants/recalibrated.bam
--output example_genome.html
So I assume it is not possible to change it then?
The example is not correct, thanks for pointing that out. I will change the example.
info columns apply to VCF files (the INFO fields).
Fantastic, thank you!