
malposition of rows with tab and maf format input

jcd-gh opened this issue · 3 comments

jcd-gh commented

The example example_tab.html and example_maf.html showed malposition of rows.
An extra line (i.e. the tittle row) was added to the top of the file, and the corresponding view was shifted by one element.

chr start end ref_allele alt_allele
chr start end ref_allele alt_allele -> view of line 1, should be nothing
chr1 68897222 68897222 G T -> view of line 2, should be line 1
chr1 176760487 176760487 C T -> view of line 3, should be line 2

The problem is shown in version 1.8.0 and the current master branch, version 1.7.0 is not affected.

I think this is the same issue as with generic tab delimited files as both are parsed by GenericTable.from_tabfile() which is called here

elif variants_file.endswith(".maf") or variants_file.endswith(".maf.gz") or (
args.sequence is not None and args.begin is not None and args.end is not None):
table = GenericTable.from_tabfile(variants_file, args.info_columns, args.sequence, args.begin, args.end, args.zero_based)

This is addressed in this PR: #89

@jethror1 is correct. The PR is merged, I will do a 1.8.1 release with this fix later today.

1.8.1 is released to pypi