- 4
compilation error with brew gcc
#39 opened by karlensberg - 1
error in linux
#38 opened by Chenzhou0505 - 20
ERROR: installing package indices failed
#5 opened by I-Hao - 1
Issue installing presto
#36 opened by li-xuyang28 - 0
y as variable name in design
#37 opened by ilyakorsunsky - 2
Presto as an R package ?
#13 opened by Pacomito - 1
Could you please tag your project
#35 opened by fizwit - 7
install fails R 4.2.2
#22 opened by niko-balanis - 1
Compatible with python?
#34 opened by SNOL2 - 1
Normalize Data or Not before using presto?
#33 opened by NeuralBind - 4
LogFC Clarification
#6 opened by christopher-hardy - 1
Installation Fails due to RcppArmadillo
#30 opened by AtanasiuDemian - 8
Connection to R studio
#28 opened by M-Tsabar - 0
- 4
Discrepancy between presto and Seurat?
#27 opened by erzakiev - 0
Presto for objects leveraging HDF5 storage
#26 opened by wish1832 - 0
- 0
vignette link
#23 opened by DLGisch - 1
not available for R 4.2.2
#21 opened by hcjarnagin - 0
- 3
- 0
- 2
find genes with expression in cluster A higher by a given FC than any other cluster
#17 opened by kaizen89 - 6
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'presto'
#16 opened by SeadonXing - 3
- 4
Presto installation issues
#11 opened by StevenJYWu - 2
- 0
- 2
is there an easier way to get the pct.out for each of the outside clusters
#2 opened by crazyhottommy - 5
Presto Issue
#1 opened by imranmahalingam