Neuroimaging Data Model (NIDM): describing neuroimaging data and provenance
- 3
Publish OWL ontologies in BioPortal
#507 opened by ckindermann - 2
Import all definitions into main `nidm.owl` file
#422 opened by cmaumet - 4
Create a JSON-LD context file that can be reused across NIDM-Results documents
#418 opened by cmaumet - 2
- 0
Need little help
#503 opened by degenbuilder7 - 6
Travis Tests failing due to
#491 opened by khelm - 11
How to represent DICOM tag values in NIDM-Exp?
#392 opened by khelm - 7
Modeling Units of Values in NIDM-E
#482 opened by khelm - 3
Create a 'term status' page for NIDM-experiment
#462 opened by cmaumet - 10
Hackathon project: NIDM-Results in Datalad
#472 opened by cmaumet - 2
Remove forced update when publishing nidm webpages
#391 opened by cmaumet - 4
Regeneration of spec webpages
#456 opened by khelm - 2
Error when updating the website
#461 opened by cmaumet - 0
Add additional atlas terms from BIDS
#470 opened by nicholst - 10
- 0
Terms for diagnosis and comorbidity
#465 opened by khelm - 0
support for https
#464 opened by satra - 1
- 11
- 2
Define TFCE, cluster mass in NIDM Results
#455 opened by nicholst - 1
#451 opened by khelm - 0
- 1
Ontoneurolog Scale, scale item, model, score terms
#443 opened by khelm - 3
break out NIDM OWL files to separate repo
#448 opened by dbkeator - 0
Add issue & PR templates to this repository
#447 opened by cmaumet - 1
- 0
Add prov-o to NIDM-Experiments imports (temporary)
#444 opened by khelm - 2
Remove "Stimulus File" and unneeded SciCrunch terms
#441 opened by khelm - 8
Should prov:Agent have any child terms?
#433 opened by khelm - 1
Creation of a nidm:Modality term.
#434 opened by khelm - 1
Remove owl:sameAs from NIDM-Exp ontology
#435 opened by khelm - 2
NIDM_0000155 - fMRI Design Type
#436 opened by khelm - 2
Term request for 'creator'
#423 opened by khelm - 4
Investigation vs Project in NIDM-Experiment
#405 opened by khelm - 8
Study vs Visit in NIDM-Experiment
#406 opened by khelm - 3
Labeling terms by "Activity" or "Entity"
#424 opened by khelm - 1
Clean up sio_imports.ttl
#429 opened by khelm - 1
Clean up nlx_import.ttl file
#428 opened by khelm - 1
Use of "Subject" versus "Participant"
#425 opened by khelm - 0
- 1
owl file pointers
#403 opened by satra - 1
New attribute: "is map empty?"
#385 opened by cmaumet - 0
Handling surfaces (meshes) in NIDM-Results
#419 opened by cmaumet - 7
Grand Mean scaling / Normalisation - Voxelwise vs. imagewise vs. 1 single scalefactor
#413 opened by nicholst - 0
Add W3C PROV logo to site and specs
#386 opened by nicholsn - 6
NIDM Experiment Export directly from Tasks
#411 opened by kastman - 9
- 10
Error in testing code -
#410 opened by khelm - 4
RFC: Creating a set of standard libraries
#408 opened by satra - 1
FSL's Drift basis implementation off
#379 opened by nicholst