- 9
- 0
- 4
- 3
Release notes for 2.0?
#78 opened by jrochkind - 3
Rendering verbatim author strings with `{}`
#77 opened by mjy - 8
URL citation
#73 opened by mapreal19 - 4
- 3
Render multiple citations
#69 opened by mapreal19 - 5
author-only option in processor for citation
#68 opened by mapreal19 - 2
Get output for a footnote style?
#67 opened by retorquere - 7
- 3
README example fails
#64 opened by clbarnes - 3
How to add a new output format?
#66 opened by retorquere - 7
Q: This gem vs citeproc gem?
#52 opened by jrochkind - 2
Importing non BibTex references
#63 opened by lizdenhup - 2
support for bluebook-law-review
#62 opened by mapreal19 - 0
Note citations end up in main text using asciidoctor-bibtex and asciidoctor-bib
#61 opened by denismaier - 4
- 22
performance, possible improvements
#53 opened by jrochkind - 8
Can't get date ranges to render
#58 opened by jrochkind - 3
- 6
Append / prepend string after render?
#51 opened by sgroth - 2
Weird chars in pages for chicago citation
#50 opened by dazza-codes - 10
- 3
How to render "dependent" styles?
#48 opened by joshweir - 1
- 0
Implement citation sort
#47 opened by inukshuk - 3
Implement Cite Collapsing
#46 opened by inukshuk - 1
Superscripts produce invalid CSS
#45 opened by fallax - 2
- 0
Do not substitute suppressed names
#30 opened by inukshuk - 7
Variables used only in conditionals inside of names->substitions are suppressed
#41 opened by lightman76 - 3
- 1
- 2
Advice on upgrading to latest version
#37 opened by dazza-codes - 1
Update apa.csl
#38 opened by dazza-codes - 0
Make more title case problems
#36 opened by walski - 3
Locale declarations in style .csl files
#29 opened by darshanbib - 0
- 7
Problems with CiteProc.process
#24 opened by Brixy - 1
- 2
deep_fetch error with articles
#20 opened - 4
<label variable="page"/> does not work
#19 opened by andriusvelykis - 0
Fix unicode group patterns for Java
#18 opened by inukshuk - 4
- 2
#17 opened by doutatsu - 13
How do I create Author (Year) citations
#15 opened by retorquere - 8
Ruby 1.9.3 compatibility
#13 opened by lfigueira - 2
latex code in author names
#14 opened - 5
Process citations?
#12 opened by tfwright