- 1
Fix obsolete meta-tag "apple-mobile-web-app-capable"
#1855 opened by ryaa - 2
eslint misconfigured (react-typescript)
#1853 opened by crowbait - 0
eslint not properly configured on react vite app
#1849 opened by jcesarmobile - 0
- 4
bug: Angular Tab based application shows empty screen between hiding the Splash Screen and Displaying the Tabs.
#1830 opened by selected-pixel-jameson - 3
bug: typescript compiler options "target" and "useDefineForClassFields" are forcibly overriden with Angular 15
#1751 opened by ryaa - 0
#1833 opened by liamdebeasi - 0
- 2
- 2
bug: SyntaxError: The requested module 'vue' does not provide an export named 'computed'
#1806 opened by dburucu - 2
Upgrade vue starter to vue@^3.3.0
#1813 opened by mrleblanc101 - 1
Vue: `npm run lint` is not actually linting anything
#1823 opened by kensodemann - 0
bug: error during build: terser not found. Since Vite v3, terser has become an optional dependency. You need to install it.
#1816 opened by Rossella-Mascia-Neosyn - 3
bug: keyboard accessibiilty. Cannot reach bottom tabs.
#1796 opened by slclark - 1
- 6
bug: starter template not running
#1788 opened by tradingproject19 - 0
- 0
bug(react): .gitignore correct production folder
#1776 opened by eric-horodyski - 1
bug: angular template should not use ~ for imports
#1738 opened by indraraj26 - 1
Vue starter should use vite instead of vue cli
#1739 opened by elycheikhsmail - 1
- 1
Bug: vertical centering buggy in tabs template
#1758 opened by alexandre-khoury - 0
#1770 opened by liamdebeasi - 1
`v6`: Outdated dependencies
#1707 opened by strarsis - 1
- 0
Feature Request: Publish Changelogs
#1748 opened by eric-horodyski - 2
feat: update angular template
#1732 opened by mhamri - 1
Sidemenu starter fails with typescript error
#1743 opened by IsaacSomething - 3
- 1
bug: Vue apps should disable production source maps
#1703 opened by danilopolani - 2
- 1
ESLint seriously misconfigured
#1709 opened by strarsis - 0
- 1
feat: Target Android SDK API Level 30 for new cordova apps
#1697 opened by geleto - 3
feat: public accessable ionic.config.json Schema file
#1696 opened by muuvmuuv - 0
- 1
feat: New template side menu and tab
#1683 opened by donPuerto - 2
"docs" link goes to v2 documentation
#1688 opened by royappa - 7
bug: Unable to resolve dependency tree (Blocker: default starter angular, Ionic CLI : 6.16.1)
#1681 opened by edocbuhtig - 2
- 1
bug: when start ionic project, found 5 security problems
#1674 opened by weathon - 1 file for generated project
#1470 opened by kushanshamika - 2
- 1
Move from using `async` to `waitForAsync`
#1505 opened by ionitron-bot - 1
- 4
- 1
#1658 opened by rudyhadoux - 6
Unsupported Node v14.x.x LTS upgrade deprecated warnings in Ionic 5.x starter app
#1590 opened by edocbuhtig - 1
Difference between ion-menu and ion-side-menus
#1529 opened by TakhirMamirov - 2
bug: vue starters missing favicon
#1531 opened by peterennis