- 0
deprecation warning in Pulsar
#251 opened by stefaniecg - 6
HTMLDocument.registerElement is deprecated.
#246 opened by Amir19946 - 1
Pdf invisible after first viewing
#242 opened by PeepNSheep - 1
ISSUE with pdf-view
#243 opened by VannaNotGianna - 0
Memory overuse: No deallocating space in RAM
#244 opened by Emrss - 4
PDF not showing
#239 opened by Kavatron - 44
Blank PDF view pane
#238 opened by WeilinDeng - 3
PDF view does not open
#218 opened by lwincenciak - 5
Synctex across multiple windows
#187 opened by dgomezcastro - 2
- 1
LaTeX math widehat displays offset
#234 opened by StHante - 0
- 0
- 0
pdf is not PDF
#233 opened by Mlcaccount - 8
excessive memory usage
#225 opened by quantenschaum - 0
Night mode won't turn off
#232 opened by avandekleut - 1
Provide generic control service
#230 opened by Aerijo - 4
[LaTeX] Error: Command failed: 'pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction=batchmode -recorder -synctex=1 shell -escape
#229 opened by Baozy9862 - 12
auto-reload on update doesn't not work
#213 opened by glglgithub - 0
Fixing Zoom
#228 opened by hunter19z - 2
synctex reverse doesn't work!
#193 opened by kim0sun - 2
Cannot install(code Z_BUF_ERROR)
#219 opened by Zian-Xu - 4
Window does not close
#227 opened by PhilippImhof - 0
- 5
pdf-view can't approved Chinese path
#194 opened by niukai10 - 7
Bad performance, made Atom unresponsive
#222 opened by hp8wvvvgnj6asjm7 - 2
Suggestion: Allow text highlighting
#223 opened by sbrl - 4
Suggestion: Thumbnails/Minimap for PDFs
#185 opened by sameersingh - 3
Display PDFs in custom elements
#221 opened by jneuendorf - 2
Suggestion: shortcut to hide/unhide
#220 opened by jfernandz - 3
the notes in pdf is invisible
#217 opened by Marcnuth - 2
Atom not freeing memory when closing the pdf tab
#186 opened by adimol - 2
Synctex does not work with japanese text
#195 opened by pabst2009 - 2
Synctex reverse does not work on Atom 1.31.2
#216 opened by mafw - 0
- 2
Night Mode (or any coloring) broken?
#212 opened by kevinjohncutler - 0
Failed to load the pdf-view package
#211 opened by kirsguo - 2
Suggestion: Add command to toggle PDF source
#184 opened by Alhadis - 1
Patterns rendered incorrectly
#199 opened by chunnoo - 2
Pdf-view does not display Chinese characters
#207 opened by bujianbusan - 1
- 9
- 2
Cannot read `numPages` of undefined
#203 opened by Jegp - 1
LaTeX forward sync only scrolls to page and not actual position of the content
#189 opened by nisargjhaveri - 3
Can't load my pdf
#200 opened by sinux-l5d - 8
Not automatically updating window
#196 opened by jprks - 1
Configurable (default) background color
#190 opened by Tannex - 0
- 1
local images are not rendered
#183 opened by tatoosh - 1
Remember current page
#181 opened by iongion