What scientific programmers must know about CPUs and RAM to write fast code.
- aminyaAbacus AI
- anaveragehuman
- AzamatB@RelationalAI
- BeastyBlacksmithLeibniz Universität Hannover
- carstenbauerBauer Consulting
- ChrisDeGrendeleNASA / UCSC
- colindavenGermany
- csqphy
- daniel-koehnChristian-Albrechts-University Kiel
- dpsandersUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
- emerali@PIQuIL
- hypnopump
- isaacdevlugtXanadu
- jafnz
- JeffreySarnoffNew York
- jgreener64MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- ksnzhshanghai
- li012589Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- mforetsUniversidad de la República
- mohammedaugie13@bitwyre
- noisyoscillatorBangalore, India
- PrometheusPiHZDR @ComputationalRadiationPhysics
- Roger-luo@QuEraComputing
- SebastianM-C@JuliaComputing
- sipah00@PumasAI @KRSSG
- slamer59Toulouse, FRANCE
- StonesjtuNIO
- talgatomarovNazarbayev University
- thomas-bouvier@inria
- Tolga-Karahan@Hypatos
- ulinares$HOME
- vincent-picaudFrance - 78
- VoVAllen@Tensorchord
- wangleiphyInstitute of Physics, CAS
- ym-han
- yzh119@flashinfer-ai