
Benchmark for quadratic programming solvers available in Python

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

QP solvers benchmark


Benchmark for quadratic programming (QP) solvers available in Python.

The goal of this benchmark is to help us compare and select QP solvers. Its methodology is open to discussions. New test sets are also welcome. Feel free to add one that better represents the kind of problems you are working on.

Test sets

  • Maros-Meszaros (maros_meszaros): Standard set of problems designed to be difficult, some of them large, sparse, ill-conditioned or not strictly convex.
  • Maros-Meszaros dense (maros_meszaros_dense): Subset of the Maros-Meszaros test set restricted to problems with less than 1,000 optimization variables and 1,000 constraints.


Solver Keyword Algorithm Matrices License
CVXOPT cvxopt Interior point Dense GPL-3.0
ECOS ecos Interior point Sparse GPL-3.0
Gurobi gurobi Interior point Sparse Commercial
HiGHS highs Active set Sparse MIT
MOSEK mosek Interior point Sparse Commercial
OSQP osqp Douglas–Rachford Sparse Apache-2.0
ProxQP proxqp Augmented Lagrangian Dense & Sparse BSD-2-Clause
qpOASES qpoases Active set Dense LGPL-2.1
qpSWIFT qpswift Interior point Sparse GPL-3.0
quadprog quadprog Active set Dense GPL-2.0
SCS scs Douglas–Rachford Sparse MIT


We evaluate QP solvers based on the following metrics:

  • Success rate: percentage of problems a solver is able to solve on a given test set.
  • Computation time: time a solver takes to solve a given problem.
  • Primal error: maximum error on equality and inequality constraints at the returned solution.
  • Cost error: difference between the solution cost and the known optimal cost.

Shifted geometric mean

Problem-specific metrics (computation time, primal error, cost error) produce a different ranking of solvers for each problem. To aggregate those rankings into a single metric over the whole test set, we use the shifted geometric mean (SGM), which is a standard to aggregate computation times in benchmarks for optimization software. This mean has the advantage of being compromised by neither large outliers (as opposed to the arithmetic mean) nor by small outliers (in contrast to the geometric geometric mean). Check out the references below for further details.

Here are some intuitive interpretations:

  • A solver with a shifted-geometric-mean runtime of $Y$ is $Y$ times slower than the best solver over the test set.
  • A solver with a shifted-geometric-mean primal error $P$ is $P$ times less accurate on equality and inequality constraints than the best solver over the test set.


Check out the full reports for each test set in the results directory.


Summary of solver performances with their default settings:

Solver Success rate (%) Runtime (SGM) Primal error (SGM) Cost error (SGM)
cvxopt 16 54.0 5.7 24.5
highs 60 6.1 2.6 2.9
osqp 59 1.0 52.1 26.0
proxqp 81 2.4 1.0 1.0
scs 33 23.2 11.8 12.5

Check out the full report for details.

Maros-Meszaros dense subset

Summary of solver performances with their default settings:

Solver Success rate (%) Runtime (SGM) Primal error (SGM) Cost error (SGM)
cvxopt 15 1600 530000 950
ecos 8 2000 570000 1300
highs 76 67 140000 39
osqp 68 12 5900000 480
proxqp 100 1 1 1
qpoases 63 130 750000 110
qpswift 15 1600 530000 950
quadprog 34 660 410000 390
scs 29 840 440000 500

Check out the full report for details. Note that this subset is not representative of the full Maros-Meszaros test set.


Here are some known areas of improvement for this benchmark:

  • Cold start only: we don't evaluate warm-start performance for now.
  • Dual feasibility: we don't check the dual multipliers that solvers compute internally, as the API for them is not yet unified.

Check out the issue tracker for ongoing works and future improvements.


Install all required dependencies by:

pip install qpsolvers_benchmark

By default, the benchmark will run with any supported solver installed on your system. You can install all supported open-source solvers at once by installing qpsolvers_benchmark[open_source_solvers], i.e. appending the open_source_solvers dependency.

Running the benchmark

Pick up the keyword corresponding to the desired test set, for instance maros_meszaros, and pass it to the run command:

python benchmark.py run maros_meszaros

You can also run a specific solver, problem or set of solver settings:

python benchmark.py run maros_meszaros_dense --solver proxqp --settings default

Check out python benchmark.py --help for all available commands and arguments.

See also


Other benchmarks