- 2
Video Stream Latency Issue
#147 opened by TheGoncaloSilva - 1
Bug report: Build and main_ulm.cpp
#148 opened by Secret-Lin - 2
- 1
Articulated Hand Tracking
#146 opened by edogianno - 20
Question on real-time PV streaming
#131 opened by iamwyh2019 - 10
Is it possible to build the server app from scratch and intergrate it to some other Unity App?
#142 opened by zijianh4 - 7
- 7
- 3
Hololens 1
#145 opened by pkritika - 1
- 2
- 8
Compatibility Issue with Holographic Remoting and Camera Access in Unity Scene
#138 opened by vincenzocivale - 1
- 3
- 1
The code 'from mmdet.core import INSTANCE_OFFSET' in, mmdet.core cannot be resolved
#135 opened by sundayweekly - 3
Can Hololens 2 transfer data to PC via USB?
#133 opened by sundayweekly - 2
Pose correction using Depth
#108 opened by Metacadx - 0
How to obtain holographic images in HoloLens 2 and display them in real-time on a PC?
#132 opened by sundayweekly - 2
Disable Auto Focus
#129 opened by nirajkark07 - 5
Camera Reference Frame to Visor Reference Frame
#128 opened by nirajkark07 - 2
Question about the IMU calibration matrices
#117 opened by zijianh4 - 4
VLC stereo depth estimation
#120 opened by Zulex - 7
Integrating a Custom Holographic Remote Processing Player Application with Hololens2 Sensor Data Stream Server
#109 opened by BroPinLove - 1
Exception thrown when deploying
#115 opened by zhangzhousuper - 2
- 6
Questions about the imu data
#114 opened by JadeGreened - 6
Streaming Sensor Data
#113 opened by task-master98 - 1
Incorrect poly orientation
#112 opened by trandzik - 0
Unable to import unity project
#107 opened by patrickrochemn - 12
- 9
Building the hl2ss app directly from VS sln failed
#105 opened by Walidkilas - 4
- 3
Getting NullReferenceException when trying to build and run the Unity sample project
#102 opened by fmatulic - 3
Record AHAT AB
#100 opened by Zulex - 1
Image to World Coordinate Transformation
#101 opened by gnanukoth - 1
Better PV Extrinsics
#99 opened by nhahn - 1
Failed Connection Attempt
#98 opened by SClerckx - 2
- 1
- 1
Manual Focus -
#94 opened by troveski - 3
EXEC : error : System.NotSupportedException: Visual Studio 2017 support for ARM64 is not installed.
#91 opened by knsjoon - 2
- 2
Compatibility, performance & other
#92 opened by anjelomerte - 2
AHAT-PV and cloud points
#90 opened by NguyenRichard - 4
Depth Upsamling
#88 opened by AhmedAyman1 - 4
World reference frame is overwritten and placed almost 2 meters down
#89 opened by Alessandro98-Albanesi - 2
how to run
#86 opened by Jaskon863 - 1
- 4
Server not running
#84 opened by theo-wner - 1