A better approach to game design that allows you to concentrate on the actual problems you are solving: the data and behavior that make up your game. By moving from object-oriented to data-oriented design it will be easier for you to reuse the code and easier for others to understand and work on it.
- 6ilberMPanama
- burakomerCrescive Games
- camillerimichael
- carreraSilvioBrazil
- CliffCawleyCodebit Labs
- cochmedia
- cocotierlab
- codyrchildress
- corycorvusSan Francisco
- DavidHollins6@codesandbox
- desendo
- dorofiykolyaNeural Innovations LTD, Inavante LLC, KIT.Games LTD, SeriousCake, GamePack LTD
- EndarrenOrion Communications
- FireFlyForLifeGuerrilla
- fseverijns
- GilbertoBittGlobant
- githappensCopenhagen, Denmark
- hasanbayatme@BayatGames
- jdselig
- kobayashiyuuhi
- longde123
- LukasKurthRocksMagstadt
- MrX101Malta
- nous-
- Odder-Otter
- rthery@Quell-Tech
- ryanbyycCalgary, AB
- TangilJ
- tng2903Vietnam
- tuita520
- upwardbinkie@GetJobber @fifthmountainstudios @zjdynamics
- x44yz
- ycarowrWarsaw
- ztffnOslo
- zyzyxdev