
Question about scaling

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Hi, I've recently become interested in PGA, and am considering using it in a new Python render engine. Math (especially this kind) is not my strong suit, but the advantages of PGA are compelling .... so I'm trying to wrap this up in a Python lib with an API suited for normal people :)

I'm now a bit stuck and I was hoping you could help. Render engines and 3D modeling tools usually provide 3 kinds of transforms for an object: translations, rotations, and scaling. I understand (more or less) how rotors and translators work, but I have not seen the use of scalors (if that's how you'd call them) anywhere. Is a scaling transform/motor even possible? What about anisotropic scaling?

edit: if there's a better place to ask questions like these, please let me know, and I'll move the question there instead

A similar question has been asked (and answered) here

👍 You're always more than welcome to ask questions here or feel free to ping the discord with questions as well.