- 1
Plane normalization e0 value
#31 opened by obliviand - 0
- 0
#28 opened by crystalthoughts - 7
Problem with precision in Euler Angles.
#8 opened by DJuego - 0
- 2
Bug in `motor::operator=(translator t)`
#25 opened by Danvil - 1
Why twice?
#21 opened by benhutchison - 3
- 5
vcpkg integration
#16 opened by JPMMaia - 2
FetchContent error
#17 opened by JPMMaia - 4
Log of a motor representing a translator
#14 opened by sbreuils - 2
Question about scaling
#13 opened by almarklein - 1
- 1
Small typo in doc?
#9 opened by ziriax - 2
- 2
[QUESTION] No general multivector class?
#11 opened by ziriax - 5
- 1
Euler angles for Klein?
#6 opened by DJuego - 4
Tests failed in Visual Studio 2019
#5 opened by DJuego - 2
Klein 2.0 API changes inbound
#4 opened by jeremyong