This project aims to collect the latest "call for reviewers" links from various top CS/ML/AI conferences/journals
- Abby-xuTexas A&M university
- buaabartyJisuanke
- ccffccffcc
- chingggMax Planck Institute
- cla7aye15I4ndNorthwestern University
- CSer-Tang-haoThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- DoongLiUniversity of Macau
- fyqqyfCASIA
- gszh
- hariharanragothaman@athenahealth
- ItzJuny
- jiahaoli57Guangdong University of Technology
- l-cli
- Lancelot1998
- liyy2
- ljqcodeloveiDMG@BUPT
- lliai
- luli-git
- MatthewCYM
- piyushkhemkaBay area
- pooooobzx
- rahullokesh
- RoyalSkyeNanyang Technological University
- saiakhil2012Intel
- xyzzzhUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- yining043Postdoctoral Associate, MIT
- ykzzykVanderbilt University
- yueyin-io
- yuxiangwei0808
- zcyskyUniversity of Southern California
- zhenglin-charlie-liTexas A&M University