
Official TensorFlow implementation of the paper "Automating Reinforcement Learning with Example-based Resets"

Primary LanguagePython

Automating Reinforcement Learning with Example-based Resets

Accepted for publication in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)

Source code for reproducing the simulation results for the proposed algorithm of the paper "Automating Reinforcement Learning with Example-based Resets".

The instructions below were tested on Ubuntu 18.04, but should work on other Linux distros as well.


Download the source code to the current user's home directory. The contents of this folder should be under ~/autoreset_rl/.

1. Install Conda package manager

Conda package manager is required for installing python dependencies. Follow the link below to install conda:


2. Create a Conda environment

Follow the link below to set up pre-requisites for mujoco-py:


cd ~/autoreset_rl
conda env create --file ./conda_env.yml

If you have any issues related to MuJoCo or OpenAI Gym when setting up the conda environment, please refer to the following links:



Running experiments

Activate the conda environment.

cd ~/autoreset_rl
conda activate autoreset_rl
which python

Minimal (no logging) terminal commands to run the code:

python main.py --config_dir ./experiment_configs/cliff-cheetah.json
python main.py --config_dir ./experiment_configs/cliff-walker.json
python main.py --config_dir ./experiment_configs/peg-insertion_insert.json
python main.py --config_dir ./experiment_configs/peg-insertion_remove.json

Additional arguments are available (--logging, --record, --evaluation). Terminal command to view arguments:

python main.py --help

If the contents of this folder are not under ~/autoreset_rl/, please modify the experiment config files (JSON) accordingly.


  title={Automating Reinforcement Learning With Example-Based Resets},
  author={Kim, Jigang and Park, J. hyeon and Cho, Daesol and Kim, H. Jin},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},