
Understanding the Command Handler

TheGreatLudini opened this issue · 1 comments


I am trying to implement my own command handler for a cartesian controller, but there are some things that I don't quite understand. I am using robo gym for a real robot (UR10e). As it seems, if an action, in your case a joint trajectory, should be executed, the ROS bridge publishes this action to the command handler. The rate of this publisher almost equals the $action_cycle_rate (which is 25Hz by default), as the sleep time of this publisher is 1/action_cycle_rate - 0.01. Then, the command handler fills a queue with this action and publishes the traj_controller/command topic with a rate of $action_cycle_rate.

The thing that confuses me is the following statement from the paper:

The robot-actuation cycle time is the time between the individual commands sent to the robot controller and the action cycle time is the time between two subsequent actions generated from the agent.

I would guess that the action cycle time is represented by the variable $action_cycle_rate. But I cannot see an implementation of the robot-actuation cycle time. Furthermore:

The CH continuously publishes command messages to the robot at the frequency required by its controller. If, at the moment of publishing, the queue is full, the CH retrieves the command,publishes it to the robot for the selected number of times and after that it empties the queue.

In the current implementation, it rather seems like the command handler retrieves the command from the queue, publishes it once and then empties the queue. How can I set the number of times this command should be published? Should there be another variable that represents the robot-actuation cycle time, and then the command handler should use the specified rate from this variable to publish the command in traj_controller/command?

Thank you very much in advance.

Hi @TheGreatLudini and thank you for your interest in robo-gym!

As it seems, if an action, in your case a joint trajectory, should be executed, the ROS bridge publishes this action to the command handler. The rate of this publisher almost equals the $action_cycle_rate (which is 25Hz by default), as the sleep time of this publisher is 1/action_cycle_rate - 0.01. Then, the command handler fills a queue with this action and publishes the traj_controller/command topic with a rate of $action_cycle_rate.

Yes exactly, you got this right.

I would guess that the action cycle time is represented by the variable $action_cycle_rate. But I cannot see an implementation of the robot-actuation cycle time.

This is also correct. The reason why in this case there is no implementation of the robot-actuation cycle time it's because the CH publishes a command to the JointTrajectory controller. The JointTrajectory controller keeps executing the last received command until a new command is received. In other words the JointTrajectory controller is the one that publishes low level control inputs with the robot-actuation cycle time, and given that this controller is part of already of the UR ROS Driver you don't see an implementation of the robot-actuation cycle time in the robot-server.

Should there be another variable that represents the robot-actuation cycle time, and then the command handler should use the specified rate from this variable to publish the command in traj_controller/command?

Exactly, I would suggest adding a second parameter, implemented like the action_cycle_rate, then I would calculate the ratio between the action_cycle_rate and the robot_actuation_cycle_rate. Let's assume action_cycle_rate=25 and robot_actuation_cycle_rate=125, this produces a ratio of 5, meaning that the CH should publish robot actuation commands at a frequency of 125 Hz repeating each action command 5 times.

Looking at the current implementation:

ac_rate = rospy.get_param("~action_cycle_rate")
self.rate = rospy.Rate(ac_rate)

would be calculated based on the robot_actuation_cycle_rate:

ac_rate = rospy.get_param("~action_cycle_rate")
rc_rate = rospy.get_param("~robot_actuation_cycle_rate")
self.rate = rospy.Rate(rc_rate)

and in the publisher loop

if self.queue.full():
self.stop_flag = False

add a loop to publish the same robot actuation for the 'cycle ratio' number of times (5 in the example)

if self.queue.full():
     for i in range(cycle_ratio):
           self.stop_flag = False

I hope this helps to clarify the doubts :) If you any further questions don't hesitate to ask!

