
Soft bodies elicit a collision response from sensors

Closed this issue · 1 comments

mihe commented

It seems like soft bodies currently elicit a collision response (i.e. are deformed) when coming in contact with sensors, as if the sensors were regular rigid bodies.


Easy enough to filter out yourself with layers or a group filter, but I figured you might want to know since it seemed like a bug.

Just add this to SoftBodyShapesTest::Initialize() to reproduce the issue:

BodyCreationSettings area(new BoxShape(Vec3(50, 1, 50)), Vec3(0, 5, 0), Quat::sIdentity(), EMotionType::Kinematic, Layers::MOVING);
area.mIsSensor = true;
mBodyInterface->CreateAndAddBody(area, EActivation::Activate);

This is a mistake indeed. Thanks for reporting!