
Soft bodies don't seem to work with scaled compound shapes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

mihe commented

This is a strange issue that I haven't been able to reproduce with just a simple scaled shape, but I have a snapshot that should hopefully suffice: jolt_snapshot_2024-02-02_21-18-30_63008.zip

The scene structure is essentially this:

  • Body (Kinematic)
    • SphereShape (unimportant empty-shaped sensor, using the sphere placeholder)
  • Body (Static)
    • ScaledShape (1.25x)
      • StaticCompoundShape
        • BoxShape (Floor)
        • BoxShape (Wall)
        • BoxShape (Wall)
        • BoxShape (Wall)
        • BoxShape (Wall)

If you add any soft body to LoadSnapshotTest::Initialize, like this one:

mBodyInterface->CreateAndAddSoftBody(SoftBodyCreationSettings(SoftBodyCreator::CreateCube(), RVec3(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f), Quat::sIdentity(), Layers::MOVING), EActivation::Activate);

You should see something like this:


Thanks for the good repro! It failed to properly take the center of mass into account.