A list of awesome Symfony 2 bundles, utilities and resources.
Table of contents:
- User Management
- Web Services
- Template Engine
- Storage
- Validation
- Forms
- Service Container
- Development
- Assets Management
- Queues
- Internationalization
- Payments Management
- Monitoring
- Miscellaneous
- Third Party APIs
- Reading
- Distributions
- FOSUserBundle - Adds support for a database-backed user system.
- HWIOAuthBundle - OAuth client integration. Supports both OAuth1.0a and OAuth2.
- JmikolaAutoLoginBundle - This bundle integrates the AutoLogin library with Symfony2, which implements a security firewall listener to authenticate users based on a single query parameter.
- JMSSecurityExtraBundle - Enhances the Security Component with several new features.
- two-factor-bundle - This Symfony2 bundle provides two-factor authentication for your website.
- BazingaHateoasBundle - Integration of the Hateoas library.
- DunglasApiBundle - Bundle to build hypermedia-driven REST API.
- FOSOAuthServerBundle - A server side OAuth2 bundle.
- FOSRestBundle - Provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's & applications.
- JMSSerializerBundle - Easily serialize, and deserialize data of any complexity.
- JSONApiBundle - Bundle which provides support for formatting REST reponses to follow the JSON API specification.
- KnpJsonSchemaBundle - Provide a service which allow you to generate json schema based on validation metadata.
- LemonRestBundle - An opinionated bundle providing REST endpoints for Doctrine entities
- LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle - This bundle provides JWT (Json Web Token) authentication for your REST API using the namshi/jose library.
- NelmioApiDocBundle - Generates documentation for your REST API from annotations.
- NelmioCorsBundle - Adds ability to add CORS-related headers based on simple ACL-style per-URL configurations.
- RateLimitBundle - Add rate limits to your controllers/actions easily through annotations.
- RequestLimitBundle - With this bundle you can easy limit requests to your application.
- ResourceBundle - Bundle that helps in developing REST APIs.
- SerializedResponseBundle - A simple bundle to provide an easy way to send out json/xml/yaml responses of serialized objects with annotations.
- CgKintBundle - This bundle lets you use the Kint library in your Twig templates.
- FlashAlertBundle - Simplified way to handle (add/display) Symfony flash messages.
- GravatarBundle - Simple wrapper to gravatar API.
- KnpTimeBundle - Provides helpers for time manipulation.
- TwigCacheBundle - Bundle for asm89/twig-cache-extension.
- TwigExtraBundle - Twig Extra Tools Extensions.
- TwigInflectionBundle - Apply inflection via a Twig extension.
- TwigJackBundle - Handy additional features for Twig.
- TwitalBundle - An attribute template engine built on top of Twig and 100% compatible with all twig's features.
- UcoTwigExtensionsBundle - Provides some filters.
- AliceBundle A Symfony2 bundle to help load Doctrine Fixtures with Alice.
- AliceFixturesBundle - A Symfony2 bundle for using Alice and Faker with data fixtures.
- doctrine-routing-bundle - Dynamic database routing.
- DoctrineEncryptBundle - Bundle allows you to create doctrine entities with fields that will be protected by encryption algorithms such as AES.
- DoctrineEnumBundle - Provides support of MySQL ENUM type for Doctrine2.
- DoctrineFixturesBundle - Integrates the Doctrine2 Data Fixtures library.
- DoctrineMigrationsBundle - Integrates the Doctrine2 Migrations library.
- elastica-query-bundle - Query builder bundle for ElasticSearch.
- FeedBundle - A bundle to build RSS feeds from your entities.
- FPNTagBundle - This bundle adds tagging, with the ability to associate tags with any number of different entities.
- GaufretteBrowserBundle - This Bundle allows you to browse a Gaufrette Filesystem like a Doctrine Connection.
- KnpGaufretteBundle - Integrates Gaufrette.
- MysqlDoctrineFunctions - MySQL Function for Doctrine : RAND(), ROUND() DATE(), DATE_FORMAT().
- OneupFlysystemBundle - Integrates Flysystem.
- RelationBundle - Bundle to manage relations between models/entities. (Not maintained anymore)
- SncRedisBundle - Bundle to integrate Redis into your app.
- StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle - This bundle provides integration for DoctrineExtensions.
- VichGeographicalBundle - A bundle which provides geographical features for ORM and ODM entities and object oriented javascript maps rendering.
- WizadDoctrineDocBundle - Allows you to generate a decent documentation for your doctrine model schema.
- dms-filter-bundle - Provides a FilterService to allow users to implement input filtering in entities using Annotations.
- PasswordStrengthBundle - Validator for ensuring strong passwords.
- vatin-bundle - A Symfony2 bundle for the VATIN library (validate VAT identification numbers).
- CaptchaBundle - Bundle implementing a "captcha" form type.
- CraueFormFlowBundle - Multi-step forms.
- FilterFormBundle - Filter form bundle.
- FormBundle - Provides the "entity_id" type.
- InfiniteFormBundle - A collection of useful form types and extensions.
- IvoryOrderedFormBundle - Provides a form ordering support.
- LexikFormFilterBundle - Lexik Form Filter bundle.
- SharkLoggerBundle - A Symfony 2 bundle that allows you to log form errors and data.
- CraueConfigBundle - Manages configuration settings stored in the database and makes them accessible via a service in your Symfony 2 project.
- JMSDiExtraBundle - Provides Advanced Dependency Injection Features.
- KutnyAutowiringBundle - a bundle providing autowiring for service arguments.
- PHP-DI - The dependency injection container for humans.
- http-bundle - Provides extra HTTP related functionality.
- JMSDebuggingBundle - Provides advanced debugging tools.
- LadybugBundle - The Simple and Extensible PHP Dumper
- LiipCodeBundle - A set of Symfony2 console commands to help developers deal with the various ways of identifying classes, templates, bundles, services, etc.
- LiipFunctionalTestBundle - Some helper classes for writing functional tests in Symfony 2.
- ListenersDebugCommandBundle - A console command to debug listeners.
- ParamConverterBundle - This bundle provides additional param converters for Symfony.
- PhpMetricsCollectorBundle - Integrates PhpMetrics in Symfony2 debug toolbar.
- PsyshBundle - Provides an enhanced PHP interactive shell loaded with a Symfony context.
- PUGXGeneratorBundle - An enhancement of SensioGeneratorBundle.
- SandboxBundle - Overriding controller logic & response in a Sandbox environment.
- TagDebugCommandBundle - Integrate TagDebug library for inspecting and debugging tags
- TwigReflectionBundle - Displays what's in Twig.
- WebfactoryExceptionsBundle - Easily develop custom, user-friendly error pages.
- WebProfilerExtraBundle - Adding routing, container, assetic & twig information in the web profiler.
- XhprofBundle - XHProf bundle.
- assetic-extra-bundle - Asset Directory filter for Assetic.
- AsseticMinifierBundle - An assetic minifier in pure PHP for CSS and JS files.
- FkrCssURLRewriteBundle - A small assetic filter to fix all url paths at css documents to correct urls.
- IgorwFileServeBundle - Bundle for serving protected files.
- JmikolaJsAssetsHelperBundle - Exposes the AssetsHelper service from Symfony2's templating component to JavaScript, allowing relative or absolute asset URI's to be generated client-side.
- KachkaevAssetsVersionBundle - Automates the process of updating assets version.
- SalvaJshrinkBundle - This bundle integrate jshrink library as Assetic filter and twig extension.
- SpritesBundle - Bundle for the Sprites library.
- ZakharovviHumansTxtBundle - Generate humans.txt file from git repository.
- GearmanBundle - A bundle intended to provide an easy way to support developers who need to use job queues.
- JMSJobQueueBundle - Allows to schedule console commands as jobs.
- LeezyPheanstalkBundle - Bundle for Pheanstalk, PHP client for beanstalkd queue.
- qpush-bundle - The QPush Bundle relies on the Push Queue model of Message Queues to provide asynchronous processing in your application.
- RabbitMqBundle - RabbitMQ bundle.
- JMSI18nRoutingBundle - Bundle for multilingual websites to support international routes.
- JMSTranslationBundle - Translate your website with ease - extract messages & translate them via a web-based UI.
- LuneticsLocaleBundle - Guess the visitor’s locale from different parameters.
- TimezoneBundle - Serverside Timezone detection
- TranslationFormBundle - Translation field to facilitate the use of the Translatable Doctrine extension.
- CartBundle - High quality cart for developers.
- JMSPaymentCoreBundle - This bundle provides the foundation for various payment plugins.
- JMSPaymentPaypalBundle - Payment Bundle providing access to the PayPal API.
- PayumBundle - Rich payment solutions for symfony2. Paypal, Stripe, Payex, Authorize.NET, Be2bill, Klarna, recurring paymens, instant notifications and many more
- SoclozMonitoringBundle - A monitoring bundle for production servers
- AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle - Admingenerator for Symfony2, parse generator.yml files to build classes
- EasyAdminBundle - Simple admin generator for Symfony applications
- SonataAdminBundle - AdminBundle - The missing Symfony2 Admin Generator
- AnhTaggableBundle - Bundle provides integration of doctrine-extensions-taggable, adds form types for editing tag and tagging.
- AntennaBundle - Makes it easier to integrate Antenna (and through it JWT) authentication.
- APYBreadcrumbTrailBundle - This bundle provides annotations and PHP methods to generate a breacrumb trail.
- APYDataGridBundle - Datagrid Bundle.
- BackupManagerBundle - A simple database backup manager for Symfony2 with support for S3, Rackspace, Dropbox, FTP, SFTP.
- BazingaFakerBundle - Put the awesome Faker library into the Symfony2 DIC and populate your database with fake data.
- BazingaGeocoderBundle - Integration of the Geocoder library.
- BCCMyrrixBundle - Myrrix is a recommendation engine built on Apache Mahout libraries.
- BGBarcodeBundle - Bundle for barcode rendering using our barcode generator base library.
- BlogBundle - Simple blog module.
- BreadcrumbsBundle - A small breadcrumbs bundle.
- BrowscapBundle - Bundle to access the browscap information.
- CacheToolBundle - Bundle to integrate cachetool library in Symfony2 (Clear acp/opcache from the command line)
- CarbonBundle - This bundle provides an opportunity to convert Request data into Carbon objects.
- CheckBundles - Checks installed but not activated in AppKernel bundles.
- CloudBackupBundle - Be able to backup your database(s) and upload it to the cloud.
- ConsoleBundle - Commandline interface in browser.
- ControllerExtraBundle - Controller extras bundle.
- EasyAuditBundle - This bundle provides audit logging for your application - works with Doctrine2 entities and allows logging selective events.
- EmbedlyBundle - Bundle for the embed.ly library.
- FeatureToggleBundle - Configure your feature toggling in Symfony2 by adding some simple tags to twig and extending it's configuration.
- ffmpeg-bundle - This bundle provides a simple wrapper for the PHP_FFmpeg library, exposing the library as a Symfony service.
- FlorianvSwapBundle - This Bundle integrates the Swap library.
- godfather - A library for the strategy pattern in PHP.
- GoogleBundle - Bundle for Google Analytics.
- guzzle-bundle - Integrates Guzzle.
- highcharts-bundle - Integrates PHP Highcharts.
- HTMLPurifierBundle - HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP.
- IbrowsWizardAnnotationBundle - Give's a Symfony2 controller a simple wizard/workflow with annotations.
- KayueEssenceBundle - This bundle integrates the Essence library (an oEmbed library) into Symfony 2.
- KitpagesDataGridBundle - This bundle provides a simple datagrid bundle.
- KnpMarkdownBundle - Wrapper for PHP markdown.
- KnpSnappyBundle - Easily create PDF and images by converting html using webkit.
- LiipUrlAutoConverterBundle - Add a Twig Extension for templates with a new filter for automatically converting urls and emails in a string to html links.
- metrics - Simple library that abstracts different metrics collectors.
- MhorMediaInfoBundle - Integrates php-mediainfo library into the Symfony2 full-stack framework.
- Mobile-Detect - Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets).
- MobileDetectBundle - Bundle for detect mobile devices, manage mobile view and redirect to the mobile and tablet version.
- MultiParamBundle - MultiParam Annotation Bundle.
- OneupUploaderBundle - Provides server implementations for several multi file uploader.
- phone-number-bundle - Integrates libphonenumber.
- prezent-grid-bundle - Integrate the prezent/grid library in Symfony2.
- rss-atom-bundle - RSS and Atom Bundle.
- Search-SphinxsearchBundle - Sphinx search bundle.
- SettingsBundle - Database centric configuration management. Global and per-user settings supported.
- shorturl-bundle - Provides short URLs for your project.
- sphinx-realtime-bundle - A bundle which automatically syncs Doctrine entities to a Sphinx real-time index.
- SphinxsearchBundle - Provide to use Sphinx search.
- StringGeneratorBundle - This bundle allows you to automatically generate a unique random string on an entity property, useful for creating keys.
- TbbcCacheBundle - Cache abstraction bundle.
- TbbcMoneyBundle - This bundle is used to integrate the Money library from mathiasverraes into a symfony2 project.
- TemplatedUriBundle - Expose the hautelook/TemplatedUriRouter.
- timeline-bundle - Symfony2 bundle to make timeline
- TransmissionBundle - Bundle for Transmission API client.
- versioning-bundle - Simple way to version (semantic versioning 2.0.0).
- WhiteOctoberPagerfantaBundle - Bundle to use Pagerfanta.
- WidopFrameworkExtraBundle - Adds annotation configuration for Controller classes.
- WozbeRedirectBundle - A short bundle to manage many domains.
- AlgoliaSearchBundle - Seamless integration of Algolia Search into your Symfony project.
- GordalinaMixpanelBundle - Mixpanel integration in Symfony2
- SwarrotBundle - A bundle for swarrot integration.
- YuccaPrerenderBundle - Symfony2 Bundle to use prerender.io.
- SwmMailHookBundle - Bundle to catch API webhook from different mail service (Mailjet, Mandrill, custom)
- Assets Cache Busting in Symfony
- High Performance Websites with Symfony2
- Rationally boost your symfony2 application with caching tips and monitoring
- Symfony - project tamed
- Symfony2 cheat sheet
- KnpLabs RAD Edition
- Kunstmaan Bundles Standard Edition
- Liip RAD Edition
- Symfony Biga Edition
- Symfony Bootstrap Edition
- Symfony CMF Standard Edition
- Symfony EmberJs Edition
- Symfony Emptier Edition
- Symfony Empty Edition
- Symfony Micro Edition
- Symfony Nerdery Edition
- Symfony REST Edition
- Symfony Sonata Edition
- Symfony Standard Edition
To the extent possible under law, Emanuele Minotto has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.