Pinned issues
- 7
CAN Bus for sensors and relays
#1347 opened by samuk - 6
Inputs and outputs to handle non-numerical values
#1400 opened by CKraw - 2
KP303 not powering on using a Mycodo function
#1403 opened by Chomski99 - 3
Mycodo is not accessible and Raspberry Pi3 B+ after less than 12 hours
#1394 opened by Pierrevictor67 - 0
Installing RPi Power Monitor breaks Mycodo
#1399 opened by zannis - 2
OpenCV Camera not listed
#1398 opened by Night-Lee-D - 2
- 0
Feature Suggestion: Add support for IFTTT Webhooks.
#1396 opened by yunielsg86 - 0
- 1
Input - loop() Error
#1338 opened by mlenzi18 - 6
- 1
1.3" Oled SSD1306 v SSH1106
#1346 opened by Chomski99 - 2
sensors stop giving readings after an hour or two and wont reinitialize without a power cycle
#1350 opened by glass-monkey - 4
- 69
request to add Adafruit NeoKey 1x4 input board
#1353 opened by Nithalik - 43
Request to add DFRobot i2c DAC output module (0-10v)
#1354 opened by Nithalik - 5
Add notes via API
#1357 opened by samuk - 2
Please add MQTT Publish Action to Vapor Pressure Deficit Function, or a Function that can publish mult-values in JSON packet format.
#1386 opened by LucidEye - 27
DS18B20 Issue
#1393 opened by mfittipaldi90 - 4
Introducing a Version of the Enhanced Mycodo Integration for Home Assistant HACS
#1383 opened by zachi40 - 1
CCS811 measures continuosly rising
#1388 opened by bigfoot996 - 1
BME680 co2 measurment
#1389 opened by bigfoot996 - 1
Running 2 BME680 on 1 i2c bus with master/slave address - second sensor not initializing
#1390 opened by bigfoot996 - 2
- 5
MAX31855 thermocouple input library errors
#1391 opened by kyleluiten - 3
Bang-Bang controller hangs randomly. Can not acquire a measurement, but all inputs and calculation Functions are working with no errors.
#1359 opened by LucidEye - 3
- 2
Installing dependency `bluepy` results in `Could not build wheels for bluepy`
#1382 opened by 7schmiede - 6
Upgrade problem
#1378 opened by TeaPot169 - 1
fswebcam and config file
#1379 opened by aproxxo - 6
issue with TCA9548a multiplexer
#1360 opened by Nithalik - 11
PCF8575 activating multiple /wrong outputs on PCF8575 16 Channel Relay module
#1356 opened by mirukisan - 12
PID widgets display null instead of negative values
#1372 opened by drgrumpy - 12
Python 3 code(v2.0) not showing output
#1361 opened by zakman1805 - 1
Volume Flow Rate in Gallons as well as Liters
#1373 opened by billjuv - 0
request add Days Counter with advanced functions
#1370 opened by silverhawk1983 - 0
- 0
Request to add DFRobot i2c Fermion: LWLP5000 Differential Pressure Sensor (±500pa)
#1368 opened by silverhawk1983 - 0
add ability to copy a function
#1366 opened by silverhawk1983 - 0
Action - Ramp Value
#1365 opened by silverhawk1983 - 3
mycodo ERROR - mycodo.influx - Unknown Influxdb version:
#1364 opened by danOS144 - 10
Blank Widgets
#1362 opened by Frosty-Burrito - 3
Zigbee2MQTT Plugin for Mycodo
#1358 opened by FridgeGrow - 5
Error 500: Internal Server Error
#1349 opened by ControlFreakyKiwi - 3
Add ability to edit measurement database entries
#1344 opened by kizniche - 21
urllib camera numpy issue
#1351 opened by iqgmoritz - 6
Failed to restart nginx.service
#1341 opened by mfittipaldi90 - 6
GNU License Window Unresponsive
#1340 opened by neutralgenius - 2
- 4