
Autonomous Parking Spot Locator and Park System for Empty Parking Lot

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Autonomous Parking Spot Locator and Park System for Empty Parking Lot

This repository contains source files for ECE495 Final Project (Winter 2016)


  • Kazumi Malhan

Steps to Setup Environment

  1. Clone ece495_final_project from Bitbucket repository

  2. Place following lines in .bachrc

      export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:"$(rospack find ugv_course_gazebo)/models":"$(rospack find project_gazebo)/models"  
  3. Install Teb Local Planner package

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-teb-local-planner  

    This installed all dependent packages. One critical package is SuiteSparse package located in /usr/include/suitesparse

  4. Feature2d needs additional package

    sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:xqms/opencv-nonfree
    sudo apt-get update  
    sudo apt-get install libopencv-nonfree-dev  
  5. catkin_make


  • When catkin_make, it may complains that lane_extractConfig.h is not found. In this case, please comment out feature2d and lane_extract node of lane_extract package on CMakeLists.txt, and catkin_make. After header file is generated, un-comment sections and catkin_make again.
  • Make sure ros-indigo-gazebo-plugins are installed.

Launch the Demo

roslaunch master_control final_project.launch

All dependent ugv_course_code is added to the repository. Sensors on audibot is modified from original code.

Nodes on Production

  • odom_node
  • car_nav_node
  • master_node
  • set_nav_point
  • find_parking
  • lane_extract

Nodes not used

  • feature2d
  • vehicle_control
  • bicycle_state_stapce

Nodes under development

  • img_transform_node
  • img_transform