
how can I use it?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

  1. I make this file (cmake . && make) and success
  2. but if I use pointcloud_to_2dmap, error occured (command not found)

@hogeol @koide3 Hi, I'm having same problem. Did you solved it?

@joontack-han yes I solved quite long time ago. I remember that was not the repository error. try to change permission the executed file using chmod and execute it correct method

Hey there @hogeol , I have changes the permission and also i have make this file and got success

what was the correct method to execute it?

In bash terminal after revising the permission i am trying to executing the file like ./pointcloud_to_2dmap

For reference:


@Deivaprakash56 You need to enter the commands as follows after build.
pointcloud_to_2dmap <input_pcd_directory> <map_img_dst_directory>
If you need options, check readme.