
Touchscreen do not work

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I not sure why but touchscreen do not work on JS target (notebook with touchscreen)

I rewrite fallows, it is NOT the best solution but works:

// de.fabmax.kool.input.PlatformInputJs

    private fun Event.asTouchEvent(): TouchEvent? {
        return if (this is TouchEvent) this
        else null

 private fun installInputHandlers(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
        var isTouchActive = false

        fun Event.buildTouchPosition(): Vec2d? {
            return with(canvas.getBoundingClientRect()) {
                asTouchEvent()?.let { touch ->
                    if (touch.changedTouches.length == 0) null
                    else {
                        val item = touch.changedTouches.item(0)
                            item.elementX * window.devicePixelRatio - left,
                            item.elementY * window.devicePixelRatio - top

        fun Event.invokeMoveTouchAsMouse() {
            buildTouchPosition()?.also {
                virtualPointerPos.x = it.x
                virtualPointerPos.y = it.y
                PointerInput.handleMouseMove(virtualPointerPos.x, virtualPointerPos.y)

        canvas.onmousemove = { ev ->
            if (!isTouchActive) {
                val bounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
                if (PointerLockState.hasPointerLock) {
                    // on active pointer lock, mouse event position is constant and only deltas are reported
                    //  -> use deltas to compute a virtual unbounded pointer position
                    virtualPointerPos.x += pointerMovementX(ev)
                    virtualPointerPos.y += pointerMovementY(ev)
                } else {
                    virtualPointerPos.x = (ev.clientX * window.devicePixelRatio - bounds.left)
                    virtualPointerPos.y = (ev.clientY * window.devicePixelRatio - bounds.top)
                PointerInput.handleMouseMove(virtualPointerPos.x, virtualPointerPos.y)

        canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", { ev ->
            isTouchActive = true
            PointerInput.handleMouseButtonEvent(0, true)
        }, false)

        canvas.addEventListener("touchend", { ev ->
            PointerInput.handleMouseButtonEvent(0, false)
            isTouchActive = false
        }, false)

        canvas.addEventListener("touchcancel", { ev ->
            isTouchActive = false
            isTouchActive = false
        }, false)

        canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", { ev ->
            ev.asTouchEvent()?.apply {
                if (changedTouches.length == 1) {
        }, false)


These modifications break OrbitInputTransform at touch mode
But can be easily fixed by storing initial position at touch start
and for camera transform use difference between current and initial position

fabmax commented

Can you make a pull request for this? By copy and pasting code it's really difficult to track the actual changes

Ok but how to do it ... i have no permission to create branch

fabmax commented

You have to fork the repository. Then, you can push your changes to your own fork / copy of the repo. Once you did that github should offer you an option to create a pull request.

thanx, good to known :)
