
RNA-seq analysis workflow using DESeq2

Primary LanguageR


Code repository for the manuscript "Cell type specific functional effects of different BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic mutations in breast and ovarian cancer precursor cells"

Differential Expression Analysis of 8 different conditions

  1. FT282-BRCA1_OCR vs Control
  2. FT282-BRCA2_OCR vs Control
  3. FT282-BRCA1_OCR vs FT282-BRCA2_OCR
  4. MCF10A-BRCA1_OCR vs Control
  5. MCF10A-BRCA2_BCR vs Control
  7. MCF10A-BRCA1_OCR vs FT282-BRCA1_OCR
  8. MCF10A-BRCA2_BCR vs FT282-BRCA2_OCR


Countdata.csv - Raw counts used in the statistical programs downstream for differential gene expression where each row is a gene and eash column is a sample.

DESeq2_FT282-BRCA2_OCR vs Controls.r - R code for Differential expression analysis using countdata.

diffexpr-results_Control_vs_BRCA2.csv - Differentially expressed genes results generated from DESeq2 and further used for enrichment analysis.

Enrichment_Analysis.R - Enrihcemnt analysis that generates DotPlots and GOPlots with enrichment GO categories after FDR control.

Mismatch_repair.txt - Mismatch repair pathway genes from KEGG database.

p53_signaling_pathway.txt - p53 signaling pathway genes from KEGG database.

pathway_analysis.R - Specific pathway analysis

  • We performed differential expression analysis for each of the eight conditions using the same workflow.