- AChezickDenver/Detroit
- AhmadSaeed2601NUST
- AruulmozhivarmanSUniversity of California, Los Angeles
- ayush15k1994
- BethanyLArgonne National Lab
- BinhangYuanHKUST
- bobpoekertjami: bobpoekert (d3ae55c19252c6a7b64e252abd2dcee3a99ea7e4)
- broncio123University of Oxford
- chen-lin
- dnguyengithub
- fipeopNYC
- fnaumanLinköping, Sweden
- gabrevayaUniversity of Buenos Aires
- hdepingUSTC
- jgarciabUtrecht University
- KevinHooahUniversity of California, Merced
- LeungSamWaiUS
- manliusUniversity of Padua
- PathetiueSun Yat-sen University
- peterparityThe University of Chicago
- pevogam
- pfcrowe
- phoitackSeattle, WA
- QiLiuHomepageTokyo Institute of Technology
- RahulSundarBio-mimetics Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- shaoanluTokyo, Japan
- SlowinskiPiotr
- viratiLos Angeles
- williamjsdavisScripps Institution of Oceanography
- xgxg1314
- yayati29Pittsburgh
- zackgoworita
- zhuqunxiSchool of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University
- zijieli-Jlee