GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry Software (GNSS-IR) in python
Jupyter NotebookGPL-3.0
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question about nmea2snr
#330 opened by BAo-Z-I - 1
how can I get the original waveform of the detrended SNR data that are used in the periodogram?
#328 opened by kristinemlarson - 8
Issue with `rinex2snr` Command in GNSSREFL 3.10.0
#327 opened by Baizitang - 1
Antenna center phase corrections
#326 opened by jonauq2508 - 2
Time reported in results
#325 opened by jonauq2508 - 1
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rinex2snr won't let you call it from python script. this is related to how we added parallel processing. I think.
#322 opened by kristinemlarson - 2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gnssrefl.gpssnr'
#320 opened by dahmic77 - 0
eventually will need to SciPy update
#321 opened by kristinemlarson - 10
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Are you seeing errors related to using python 3.8 in new builds ? Please switch to 3.9.
#317 opened by kristinemlarson - 3
NameError: name 'gnssrefl_helpers' is not defined
#313 opened by HadiHShali - 8
rinex2snr seems to search for RINEX files online even when using local RINEX files with the -nolook T command
#314 opened by Baizitang - 1
what is the new local coordinate file used for?
#315 opened by kristinemlarson - 2
#293 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
the code crashes when it accesses the local coordinate file (llh_local.txt)
#311 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
can you add more values for amplitude as command line inputs to subdaily?
#306 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
can you add peak to noise to the multi-panel summary plot in subdaily ?
#305 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
gnssir is crashing but i don't get any information to help me understand why it is crashing
#307 opened by kristinemlarson - 0
invsnr fails on files < 24 hours long
#292 opened by kristinemlarson - 2
No SNR file created
#299 opened by jonauq2508 - 1
does nmea2snr uses only GPS by default?
#304 opened by jonauq25 - 3
Can subdaily use multiple azimuth constraints?
#301 opened by jsppr1147 - 1
why don't you have a local coordinate file so we don't have to add a priori coordinates on the command line?
#300 opened by kristinemlarson - 8
moving to new python versions
#285 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
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why don't NMEA-based SNR files have elevation angle dot in them like RINEX-based SNR files?
#286 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
why does the pickle file exist twice, once in gnssrefl and once in gnssrefl/data?
#295 opened by kristinemlarson - 2
"Problems downloading Rapid GFZ Orbit"
#296 opened by jsppr1147 - 1
why can't the reflector height lomb scargle results be sorted via time?
#284 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
wuhan ultra rapid files
#291 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
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why can't i select the frequencies i want to use on the command line when using gnssir?
#289 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
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excellent list of RINEX archives
#287 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
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daily_avg seems slow for large datasets
#268 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
why all of a sudden is the rinex2snr code complaining it can't find the orbits?
#281 opened by kristinemlarson - 1
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Difficulty Reading GPS L2/S2W Data with rinex2snr: Seeking Explanation for Missing Signal-to-Noise Ratios
#277 opened by Baizitang - 10
Unable to generate SNR
#279 opened by zihelyu - 6
Issues regarding rinex2snr processing
#278 opened by jsppr1147 - 1
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IOC tides download
#275 opened by jonauq2508 - 1
Kalman´s Filter
#274 opened by jonauq2508 - 2
Resolving 'You have been misled' error?
#270 opened by aaryan-rampal - 1
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README Animation Code (Synthetic SNR Forward Model)
#269 opened by rbiessel