- 2
PHP 7 Fatal Error
#848 opened by alexgurrola - 1
PHP Fatal error: Interface 'Assetic\Factory\Worker\WorkerInterface' not found.
#901 opened by jarrettj - 0
How to use AutoprefixerFilter
#894 opened by hoangnamitc - 6
The real name of the assets in debug mode
#843 opened by babeuloula - 3
Composer 'leafo/scssphp' repo archived
#899 opened by jimstrike - 6
what is the current state of the project
#882 opened by BigMichi1 - 0
CssRewriteFilter on windows environment
#900 opened by diego-sorribas - 4
Circular dependencies in LESS imports cause AssetFactory::getLastModified() to enter an infinite loop
#881 opened by LukeTowers - 3
Class 'CssMin' not found
#875 opened by scones - 2
TokenStream getFilename() method is deprecated
#879 opened by aturki - 19
Update symfony/process to 4.X
#886 opened by james-nesbitt - 2
Support for less@3.x
#893 opened by josefguenther - 2
truncated output with stylus
#895 opened by omni-anuncios - 19
- 2
Pronunciation of assetic
#890 opened by matthew-gill - 4
- 2
SassFilter does work in load instead of dump
#885 opened by connorjclark - 4
symfony/process ~4.0 compatibility feature request
#877 opened by mikemunger - 0
assetic:dump --env=prod really super slow
#872 opened by maykino - 1
Twig Assetic LazyAssetManager file output problem?
#870 opened by bejutassle - 5
Assetic with twig
#862 opened by nimasdj - 1
Add Mangle Props on uglifyjs2 configuration
#868 opened by cybermak - 0
node: Permission denied
#865 opened by pensiero - 1
Unable to load asset from URL
#851 opened by tugrulcan - 3
.map file is not generating
#864 opened by sormagupta - 0
Test failure with uglifyjs 2.8
#863 opened by remicollet - 0
Does Assetic adds a leading slash to the path?
#861 opened by nimasdj - 1
HttpAsset and Google Fonts
#859 opened by webbird - 2
CSS image references
#856 opened by jarrettj - 0
assetic writer with checksum?
#857 opened by featheredtoast - 2
How to use autoprefixer with assetic
#834 opened by bensampaio - 6
PHP Fatal error AsseticFilterFunction may not inherit from final class (Twig_SimpleFunction)
#835 opened by gondo - 1
- 3
Problem with including variables
#850 opened by jgcbrouns - 1
Different (wrong) assets names when use function jpegoptim in web request and assetic:dump command
#849 opened by PeterZhukov - 1
Not compatible with Twig 2.*
#842 opened by ostrolucky - 2
Combine files in debug
#844 opened by bmarek-ias - 4
What is a 'reset' asset?
#839 opened by thepurpleblob - 0
AssetFactory documentation incomplete
#841 opened by thepurpleblob - 0
Unclear how to write/dump assets
#840 opened by thepurpleblob - 0
[Minimal] License date need to be updated
#837 opened by johnnymast - 3
Unglify / minify embedded scripts
#836 opened by SDPrio - 1
ReactJsxFilter - npm install <?>
#833 opened by lethak - 0
Target single/selected assets
#831 opened by henrypenny - 1
file_get_contents().failed to open stream: operation failed" at vendor/kriswallsmith/buzz/lib/Buzz/Client/FileGetContents.php line 30
#815 opened by manojdivakaran - 4
Create tag 1.3.3
#821 opened by kubawerlos - 3
[Twig] Passing a string as the $source argument of Twig_Environment::tokenize() is deprecated
#818 opened by francoispluchino - 1
- 0
Same set variables function for less like for scss
#808 opened by JumpLink - 0
Can figure out how to use assetic_*
#807 opened by sarpaykent