
[NYCU 2021 Spring] Computer Organization

Primary LanguageVerilog


Lab01: RISC-V Programming

  1. Goal
    • Understand the difference between assembly and high-level languages. To test the correctness of the program, we use RISC-V simulator - Ripes
  2. Attached Files
    • factorial.c
    • factorial.s (example assembly language)
    • bubble_sort.c
    • gcd.c
    • fibonacci.c
  3. Lab Description
    • Generate the RISC-V assembly code of bubble_sort.c, gcd.c, and fibonacci.c and run them in RISC-V simulator.
    • Count the number of instructions of each program.
    • Count the maximum number of variable pushed into the stack.
  4. Reference Link

Lab02: 32-bit ALU

  1. Goal
    • Implement a 32-bit ALU using Verilog.
  2. Attached Files
    • alu_1bit.v
    • alu.v
    • MUX2to1.v
    • MUX4to1.v
    • testbench.v
    • alu_1bit_tb.v
  3. Lab Description
    • Implement the bolded program.
    • Basic instruction set:
      ALU operation Function ALU Control
      and AND 0000
      or OR 0001
      add Addition 0010
      sub Subtract 0110
      slt Set less than 0111
      nor NOR 1100
      nand NAND 1101
  4. Reference Link

Lab03: Simple Single Cycle CPU (R-type)

  1. Goal
    • Understand datapath and control path of a single cycle CPU.
    • Implement a single cycle CPU using Verilog.
  2. Attached Files
    • Adder.v
    • alu.v
    • ALU_Ctrl.v
    • Decoder.v
    • Instr_Memory.v
    • ProgramCounter.v
    • Reg_File.v
    • Simple_Single_CPU.v
    • testbench.v
  3. Lab Description
    • Modify Lab2 alu.v to support xor(^), sll(<<), sra(>>>).
    • Finish the Decoder.v and ALU_Ctrl.v files.
    • Connect all the wires in Simple_Single_CPU.v.
  4. Reference Link
    • Check the slide for example block diagram and other details.

Lab04: Single Cycle CPU

  1. Goal
    • Learn how to set control signal in different instruction type.
    • Learn how sign-extend work.
  2. Attached Files
    • Adder.v
    • alu.v
    • ALU_Ctrl.v
    • Data_Memory.v
    • Decoder.v
    • Imm_Gen.v
    • Instr_Memory.v
    • MUX_2to1.v
    • ProgramCounter.v
    • Reg_File.v
    • Simple_Single_CPU.v
    • testbench.v
  3. Lab Description
    • Finish the Decoder.v and ALU_Ctrl.v files to support beq, jal, jalr, addi and R-type instructions.
    • Implement Imm_Gen.v in different instructions.
    • Connect all the wires in Simple_Single_CPU.v.
  4. Reference Link
    • Check the slide for example block diagram and other details.

Lab05: Pipeline CPU

  1. Goal
    • Understand how the pipeline CPU works.
    • Know how to handle data hazard and load/use hazard.
  2. Attached Files
    • Adder.v
    • alu.v
    • ALU_Ctrl.v
    • Data_Memory.v
    • Decoder.v
    • ForwardingUnit.v
    • Hazard_detection.v
    • Imm_Gen.v
    • Instr_Memory.v
    • MUX_2to1.v
    • MUX_3to1.v
    • ProgramCounter.v
    • Reg_File.v
    • Shift_Left_1.v (unused)
    • Pipeline_CPU.v
    • EXEMEM_register.v
    • IDEXE_register.v
    • IFID_register.v
    • MEMWB_register.v
    • testbench.v
  3. Lab Description
    • Finish all bolded files.
    • Connect all the wires in Pipeline_CPU.v.
    • Some new instructions that are not present in Lab4 should also be handled. (slli and slti)
  4. Reference Link
    • Check the slide for example block diagram and other details.

Lab06: Cache Simulator

  1. Goal
    • Understand cache performance of differecnt cache architectures(direct-mapped and set-associative)
  2. Attached Files
    • direct_mapped_cache.cpp, direct_mapped_cache.h
    • set_associative_cache.cpp, set_associative_cache.h
    • main.cpp
  3. Lab Description
    • Direct-mapped cache (unit:Byte)

      Cache size\Block size 16 32 64 128 256
    • Set-associative cache

      • Block size 64B
      • Least Recently Used conflict handling
      Cache size\Associativity 1 2 4 8
  4. Reference Link
    • Check the slide for example block diagram and other details.