- 32
Make `redis` suitable for automated deploy / helm chart? (Now it requires a lot of manual intervention...)
#411 opened by fzyzcjy - 0
example guestbook broken
#549 opened by tomdemay - 3
guestbook go build issue
#540 opened by pingtotgp - 0
Outdated spark image in spark example
#548 opened by t4lz - 17
guestbook-go not working as is
#506 opened by AntoineToussaint - 8
Broken image reference in guestbook example
#519 opened by mocdaniel - 1
Minio Example does not deploy console?
#545 opened by djpirra - 6
Goggle Guidebooks
#479 opened by Liamtoha - 5
Broken cephs volume documentation
#514 opened by dancer1325 - 4
- 4
- 7
Image Tag Mismatch between and
#475 opened by highb - 0
Hitting issues with VMware scsi controller : SCSI Controller Limit of 4 has been reached, cannot create another SCSI controller
#518 opened by ribua - 5
cephfs subvolume uid, gid information not retain after mounting the subvolumegroup
#474 opened by zeddit - 0
Getting DNS errors in example guestbook-go, involving failure to resolve "redis_slave"
#511 opened by dkwgit - 4
How can i select a specific CephFS in PVC
#468 opened by Y0ngg4n - 5
- 6
- 4
- 6
Following guestbook-go setup - PANIC: dial tcp: lookup redis-slave on no such host
#447 opened by davidhadas - 3
- 4
- 4
- 1
[help] ! Does the number do anything?
#455 opened by AtlanCI - 0
persistentvolume-controller waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "fuseim.pri/ifs" or manually created by system administrator
#460 opened by sry1201 - 4
- 5
Docker image has not been updated to reflect host name change (redis-slave -> redis-replica)
#437 opened by warrensbox - 4
- 5
Guestbook-Go example - redis slave pods are not able to connect to redis master pod when running the deployment on 2 worker nodes
#433 opened by idankish - 4
GlusterFS Endpoints cross-namespace
#436 opened by Y0ngg4n - 4
Change Max. Concurrency
#434 opened by Sickaada - 4
- 4
Whether the GeneralPredicates is still supported
#429 opened by moluzhui - 4
Using Managed Identity in Azure File Share Plugin
#427 opened by tshaiman - 10
Failed to resolve server nfs-server.default.svc.cluster.local: Name or service not known
#418 opened by Azbesciak - 6
Remove master slave namings from repo
#415 opened by rhoboat - 4
- 5
#422 opened by VatslavDS - 7
- 4
Example guestbook all-in-one fails
#417 opened by hect1995 - 5
Not able to access service in browser
#414 opened by patelrutva - 4
- 7
NFS example with a cluster local service name only works on GKE but not for minikube/kubeadm
#390 opened by ensonic - 4
flexvolume driver for NFS in Azure AKS
#402 opened by jmorcar - 4
pod yaml with condition
#399 opened by sonuchauhan1597 - 4
k8s restore
#397 opened by deepakarchinnova - 1
Issue to get LB working - doc for Kubernetes deployment examples/staging/selenium/
#408 opened by jscoys - 4
Selenium Grid Max Sessions on AKS deployment
#388 opened by spatel-37 - 4
Really large (>50 nodes) - can't change the parameter for jetty threads setting on selenium hub.
#387 opened by spatel-37 - 3
error: error parsing wordpress-deployment.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 33: could not find expected ':'
#403 opened by techbizlife