
Repository containing code and notebooks exploring how to solve Atari's Pong through Reinforcement Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Playing Atari's Pong with Reinforcement Learning

Deep Q Learning (DQN)

Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)


Hardware: Google Colab T4

Model Type Average Reward Training Time Total Training Steps
PPO 21.0 5:32:21 10,000,000
DQN 20.6 11:56:00 10,000,000

Training Notes

  • When training with Google Colab Notebooks with high memory option enabled, try not to exceed the buffer size 850,000 as you can run into memory issues
  • When training in more complex environments or using multiple simulated environments (n_evn > 1), DQN is very sensitive to the hyperparameter settings
  • Stable Baselines3 implementation of Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) only supports continuous action spaces and can not be used with Atari's Pong as it uses discrete actions
  • When using rllib, be mindful of your resources, as the training jobs might not start (always in pending status) if there are not enough CPUs or GPUs allocated

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