Django registration app with Inspection before activation
- 2
Django 2.0 Compatibility
#84 opened by HenryMehta - 4
Override RegistrationProfile Admin
#83 opened by nysbc - 1
- 1
Error on admin page to approve registration
#79 opened by giginet - 4
custom login view
#78 opened by stushurik - 5
How can I bypass the admin accepting/rejecting step in the user registration process?
#42 opened by sankalpanand - 0
Use email other than settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
#75 opened by mick-t - 0
Admin interface error when clicking on a user
#73 opened by yatahaze - 6
- 2
Cannot load RegistrationSupplementBase on 0.6.0
#58 opened by giginet - 2
- 3
- 3
RFC: Improve doc
#61 opened by lambdalisue - 8
Exception in Admin with Django 1.8
#31 opened by cato- - 5
Registration with Unique Emails
#11 opened by andrewfam - 4
How to include captcha on 3 invalid login attempts in User Registration form?
#41 opened by sankalpanand - 2
Inspector notification e-mail not working
#59 opened by DAV3HIT3 - 3
- 2
Raise `AppRegistryNotReady` on Django1.9
#53 opened by giginet - 4
Form validation
#47 opened by danmir - 8
- 5
How to include default fields in the user model like first_name and last_name in registration page?
#40 opened by sankalpanand - 1
- 5
- 1
How can I override the login form?
#43 opened by sankalpanand - 3
- 1
- 3
Permissions bug prevents non-superusers from accepting/rejecting/activating registrations
#36 opened by coredumperror - 8
Registration Supplement in django 1.7.5
#32 opened by jflow - 1
Remove dependency on 'username' field
#34 opened by atleta - 9
user completed the registration filling-in the password, but the browser's URL is /registration/activate/complete/
#33 opened by murdav - 5
- 1
Save Supplemental Information as User Profile
#28 opened by aarande - 2
- 6
- 0
Cause RemovedInDjango18Warning on django1.7
#26 opened by giginet - 2
password_reset_done view has bad name
#24 opened by giginet - 0
Raise NotImplementedError in Python3
#23 opened by giginet - 1
- 1
- 3
Support custom user model
#18 opened by giginet - 5
- 3
Using the Registration Backend Base
#10 opened by andrewfam - 2
- 14
Small bug with debug server
#5 opened by chernikoff - 8
Notification error
#6 opened by chernikoff - 14
- 4
#4 opened by tsrdatatech - 6
RunTimeError when saving via admin
#1 opened by hdn8 - 5
Has this been tested with Django 1.5+?
#2 opened by n3ls0n