
The spatial clustering algorithm used for the publication "Spatial Clustering of De Novo Missense Mutations Identifies Candidate Neurodevelopmental Disorder-Associated Genes" (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2017.08.004)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


An implementation to the spatial clustering algorithm to calculate clustering of variants over cDNA. This algorithm was featured in the publication "Spatial Clustering of De Novo Missense Mutations Identifies Candidate Neurodevelopmental Disorder-Associated Genes"


If you make use of this software for academic purposes, please cite the article 10.1016/j.ajhg.2017.08.004.

How to run (Containerized, Legacy see below)


Please ensure you have the following software installed on your machine:


You can get docker here

Build Docker image

Run the following command in the root directory of this project

docker build -t spatial_clustering .

Example run

Example for a hypothetical gene

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app --name spatial_clustering_container spatial_clustering python /app/spatial_clustering/spatial_clustering.py --gene_name=TESTGENE --variant_cDNA_locations=1,2,3,4,5,5,5,10,1000 --cDNA_length=1337 --n_permutations=10 --parallel=True --random_seed=1 --correction=1

This should result in the following output:

Computing spatial clustering for gene: TESTGENE
cDNA_length: 1337
variant_cDNA_locations: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '5', '5', '10', '1000']
Settings: random_seed: 1, parallel: True, n_permutations: 10

gene: TESTGENE, with n variants: 9
geometric_mean: 6.898887607777424955370112958229102e-08
corrected p-value: 0.09090909090909091 (Bonferroni correction = 1)

The arguments '--n_permutations', '--parallel', --random_seed, and, --correction are optional and need not be included.

For further information on arguments, please refer to the help file:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--gene_name GENE_NAME
                      (Required) Name of the gene of interest, example
                      usage: --gene_name=BRCA1
--variant_cDNA_locations VARIANT_CDNA_LOCATIONS
                      (Required) cDNA based variant locations, example
                      usage: --variant_cDNA_locations=10,50,50,123
                      (Required) total cDNA length of the gene (including
                      stop codon), example usage: --cDNA_length=1337
--n_permutations N_PERMUTATIONS
                      (Optional) total nunber of permutations,
                      default=100000000 (1.00E+08), example usage:
--parallel PARALLEL   (Optional) should the algorithm make use of parallel
                      computation?, default=True, example usage:
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
                      (Optional) The seed used for initialization of the
                      random permutations, default=1, example usage:
--correction CORRECTION
                      (Optional) The number of genes the p-value must be
                      corrected for in a Bonferonni manner, default=1,
                      example usage: --correction=1

How to run (Legacy)


The code implemented here is tested in a Python 3.5.x environment and should work for Python 2.7.x. To install the virtual environment, please follow the following steps:

After cloning this repository, ensure that you are in the project's directory.

Create virtual environment for the project

Python 2.7.x: > mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages SpatialClustering_env
Python 3.5.x: > pyvenv SpatialClustering_env

Activate virtual environment for installing packages

Python 2.7.x: > workon SpatialClustering_env
Python 3.5.x: > source SpatialClustering_env/bin/activate

Install required packages for current project

Python 2.7.x: > pip install -r requirements.txt
Python 3.5.x: > pip install -r requirements.txt

Exit the virtual environment

Python 2.7.x: > deactivate
Python 3.5.x: > deactivate

All dependencies should now be installed in the virtual environment.

Example run

Exampe for a hypothetical gene

Python 2.7.x: > workon SpatialClustering_env
Python 2.7.x: (SpatialClustering_env) > python spatial_clustering/spatial_clustering.py --gene_name=TESTGENE --variant_cDNA_locations=1,2,3,4,5,5,5,10,1000 --cDNA_length=1337 --n_permutations=10 --parallel=True --random_seed=1 --correction=1
Python 2.7.x: (SpatialClustering_env) > deactivate
Python 3.5.x: >  SpatialClustering_env/bin/python spatial_clustering/spatial_clustering.py --gene_name=TESTGENE --variant_cDNA_locations=1,2,3,4,5,5,5,10,1000 --cDNA_length=1337 --n_permutations=10 --parallel=True --random_seed=1 --correction=1

This should result in the following output:

Computing spatial clustering for gene: TESTGENE
cDNA_length: 1337
variant_cDNA_locations: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '5', '5', '10', '1000']
Settings: random_seed: 1, parallel: True, n_permutations: 10

gene: TESTGENE, with n variants: 9
geometric_mean: 6.898887607777424e-08
corrected p-value: 0.09090909090909091 (Bonferroni correction = 1)

The arguments '--n_permutations', '--parallel', --random_seed, and, --correction are optional and need not be included.

For further information on arguments, please refer to the help file:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--gene_name GENE_NAME
                      (Required) Name of the gene of interest, example
                      usage: --gene_name=BRCA1
--variant_cDNA_locations VARIANT_CDNA_LOCATIONS
                      (Required) cDNA based variant locations, example
                      usage: --variant_cDNA_locations=10,50,50,123
                      (Required) total cDNA length of the gene (including
                      stop codon), example usage: --cDNA_length=1337
--n_permutations N_PERMUTATIONS
                      (Optional) total nunber of permutations,
                      default=100000000 (1.00E+08), example usage:
--parallel PARALLEL   (Optional) should the algorithm make use of parallel
                      computation?, default=True, example usage:
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
                      (Optional) The seed used for initialization of the
                      random permutations, default=1, example usage:
--correction CORRECTION
                      (Optional) The number of genes the p-value must be
                      corrected for in a Bonferonni manner, default=1,
                      example usage: --correction=1