Jell-E is a robot built for the Robotics & Design course at Politecnico di Milano, A.Y. 2021/2022.
The general theme of this year's edition is "Wearable Robot".
In particular, the goal is to make a robot able to engage interactions with third people, performing actions based on the behavior of both the wearer and other people.
To better know the Jell-E, take a look at:
- the presentation slides
- the complete report
- the user manual
- the maintenance manual
The repository is divided into the following directories:
- esp32/, containing the Arduino code that runs on the ESP32;
- models/, containing all the models (OpenSCAD and SolidWorks) for the parts of the robot;
- schematic/, containing the schematic of the circuit with all the sensors and actuators;
- stl/, containing the STL files to print all the parts;
- docs/, containing the user manual, the maintenance manual, some presentation slides, and the complete report.
- Giorgio Brugali
- Alessandro Caruso
- Greta Corti
- Leonardo Gargani
- Yeran Liu