High-resolution strain-level microbiome composition analysis tool based on reference genomes and k-mers
- 6
- 19
How to create custom databases
#11 opened by NamenloseHeldin - 3
use a custom database to identify strains give IndexError: list index out of range
#21 opened by wsyjh - 2
数据库构建 killed
#20 opened by wll4213 - 1
Genomes used to build the database
#19 opened by Wenhai-Zhang - 5
How to infer different species-level abundances based on strain-level abundances
#17 opened by xujialupaoli - 1
- 6
Error in building a custom database
#16 opened by sahilrishav2 - 9
IndexError: list index out of range
#13 opened by wangqi0000 - 4
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
#15 opened by rafalkolenda - 3
- 1
Build custom database use too much memory
#12 opened by wsyjh - 1
- 1
Error for the usage of parameter "-b"
#9 opened by wangqi0000 - 27
How to create custom databases
#10 opened by mradz19 - 3
- 3
Output explanation - different total kmers and relationship between depth and coverage
#6 opened by flashton2003 - 2
system calls: not report on errors
#3 opened by nick-youngblut - 5
paired-end, interleaved, or just read1?
#2 opened by nick-youngblut - 2