
Generates phase masks for display on an SLM using a weighted GS algorithm

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Generates phase masks for display on an SLM using a weighted GS algorithm (Martin Persson's HOTlab)

To calibrate the generation of SLM phase masks that target ROIs in an imaging stack see SLMTransformMaker

SLM phase mask generation is incorporated into our all-optical experiment control software Naparm



  • CUDA 7/8

Example standalone usage

  1. Simply run the script and load a targets image (black 512x512 with white pixels corresponding to target centroids)
  2. In code:
% Make and save phase mask(s)
[PhaseMask, TransformedSLMTargets] = SLMPhaseMaskMakerCUDA3D(...
    'Points', points,...
    'Save', true,...
    'SaveName', ['ExamplePhaseMask.tif'],...
    'Do2DTransform', false,...
    'Do3DTransform', false,...
    'AutoAdjustWeights', false);

    % where points is a n * 4 array (num of points * [x y z intensity])