
Capability of using <, <=, > in the requirements and their combination

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It seems that this block restricts the use of these operations, and with their combination (ex. numpy>2,<=2.3) looks difficult in the merge.
(And also there can be a case of -e git+https://XXXXXXX.git#egg=YYY.)

Do you have plan and idea how to add them?

And I'd like to know what made you to use multiple requirements.txt files, and their combination:

add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${generated_requirements}
COMMAND ${CATKIN_ENV} ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${catkin_virtualenv_CMAKE_DIR}/ --requirements-list ${requirements_list} --output-file ${generated_requirements}
DEPENDS ${requirements_list}

What motivated me to use multiple requirements files was the idea that you could have:

  • package A implement library code that depends on external library B
  • package C on package A, and inherit package A's requirement of library B transparently

I agree, the current implementation is fairly limited. It would certainly be possible to add support for other combination of constraints here.

  • The combinatorial explosion would probably require taking a different approach than currently used
  • A cleaner way would probably be to rely on the ability of requirements files to recursively include requirements files, letting pip/setuptools handle the messy resolution.

That was fairly easy, and I got to remove a bunch of code! #15

EDIT: closing the associated PR, not a good strategy. A better requirement-constraint-merging strategy should be implemented in catkin_virtualenv, unless pip changes the way it works with duplicated requirements.