
Recommended toolchain for ethernet-v0.5

yswntht opened this issue · 2 comments


What is the toolchain that you recommend for git clone -b ethernet-v0.5 --recursive https://github.com/lowrisc/lowrisc-chip.git.
The riscv-tools build that comes with clone has issue pulling binutils.2.26.tar.gz and thus build fails. The issue is consistent with all the releases that use binutils. Can you please point to riscv-tools that support ethernet-v0.5.

PS: I'm currently using ubuntu 18.04 with Vivado 2015.4. Bitstream generation and XSim simulation with default boot.mem have no issue. I'm looking forward to try bare metal hello example.


jrrk commented

Thank you for quick response. I will work around the makefile with a different mirror of binuitls.