
Winning entry for the ERR@HRI competition, https://sites.google.com/cam.ac.uk/err-hri/

Primary LanguagePython

HRI Error Detection: STAI Team Contribution

Paper: A Time Series Classification Pipeline for Detecting Interaction Ruptures in HRI Based on User Reactions

Abstract: To be able to react to interaction ruptures such as errors, a robot needs a way of realizing such a rupture occurred. We test whether it is possible to detect interaction ruptures from the user's anonymized speech, posture, and facial features. We showcase how to approach this task, presenting a time series classification pipeline that works well with various machine learning models. A sliding window is applied to the data and the continuously updated predictions make it suitable for detecting ruptures in real-time. Our best model, an ensemble of MiniRocket classifiers, is the winning approach to the ICMI ERR@HRI challenge. A feature importance analysis shows that the model heavily relies on speaker diarization data that indicates who spoke when. Posture data, on the other hand, impedes performance.

TL;DR: Careful feature selection/preparation and models that utilize convolutions are key to successful interaction rupture predictions!

If you use our research in your work, please consider citing our paper:

  author = {Wachowiak, Lennart and Tisnikar, Peter and Coles, Andrew and Canal, Gerard and Celiktutan, Oya},
  title = {A Time Series Classification Pipeline for Detecting Interaction Ruptures in HRI Based on User Reactions},
  year = {2024},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  doi = {10.1145/3678957.3688386},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction},
  numpages = {9},
  series = {ICMI '24}

alt text

Change in model accuracy compared to baseline for different feature combinations

Environment Setup

We used Python 3.11.9. All required Python packages can be installed from the requirements.txt. The easiest way is to create a virtual environment like this:

python3.11.9 -m venv venv_hri_err
source venv_hri_err/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, if you have Apptainer installed, we provide our container definition file here. To build the container, run the following command in your terminal:

sudo apptainer build <CONTAINER_NAME>.sif hri_cont.def

Once built, you can run the container, which will start a new terminal shell from which you can then run the scripts. To train the deep learning models, make sure to run the container with the --nv flag.

apptainer run --nv <CONTAINER_NAME>.sif


As we are not allowed to re-publish the dataset, you need to request it from the competition organizers in case you want to reproduce our work. To facilitate reproduction, this text file indicates the necessary data folder structure to run the code as is.

We offer several scripts which perform different steps of our pipeline:

Model Search

Model searches can be easily specified via json files. We provide many examples for the genetic searches and grid searches.

Both genetic and grid searches use the same config structure, but the grid search configs must contain grid in their name.

To run a (grid) search, use the following command:

python HRI-Error-Detection-STAI/code/time_series_classifiers.py --config grid_search_configs/config_minirocket_grid.json --njobs -1 --type search

Train Best Model

To the best MiniRocket model we found (as specified in the table below), set the --type argument to be train_single.

python HRI-Error-Detection-STAI/code/time_series_classifiers.py  --njobs -1 --type train_single

Get Predictions on Test Data

To get the test predictions for the hidden competition test sets, use time_series_classifiers.py and specify the type flag to be competition_eval. This will generate predictions from MiniRocket models that were submitted to the competition:

python HRI-Error-Detection-STAI/code/time_series_classifiers.py --njobs -1 --type competition_eval

Get Learning Curves

To run the learning curve experiment, use time_series_classifiers.py and specify the type flag to be learning_curve. This will produce a learning curve for each of the 4 models considered in the paper.

python HRI-Error-Detection-STAI/code/time_series_classifiers.py --njobs -1 --type learning_curve

Evaluate Your Model

If you wish to evaluate one of the models you trained and saved in the best_model_configs/ folder, use the evaluate_best_model.py script. Specify the name of the config using the --file flag.

python HRI-Error-Detection-STAI/code/evaluate_best_model.py --file <YOUR_MODEL_CONFIG>.json

Reproduce Plots

If you would like to reproduce all plots in the paper and the appendix, simply run the visualization.py script which will create the plots in approximate order of appearance and store PDFs into the plots/ folder. All data used to generate plots is available in plots/run_histories/.

python HRI-Error-Detection-STAI/code/visualizations.py

Configs of Submitted and Best Models

Submitted models still missed the zero padding. The last column on the right shows our final best model, trained after the competition ended:

Category Parameter Interaction Rupture (submitted) Robot Error (submitted) User Awkwardness (submitted) Interaction Rupture (best MiniRocket)
Task Task 2 1 0 2
Model Model Type MiniRocket MiniRocket MiniRocket MiniRocket
Data Param. Interval Length 1500 1600 1500 2500
Data Param. Stride Train 400 400 400 600
Data Param. Stride Eval 225 225 225 300
Data Param. FPS 25 25 25 25
Data Param. Columns to Remove vel_dist, c_openface openpose, c_openface vel_dist, c_openface openpose, c_openface
Data Param. Label Creation stride_eval stride_eval stride_eval stride_eval
Data Param. NaN Handling avg avg avg avg
Data Param. Oversampling Rate 0.15 0.2 0.1 0.1
Data Param. Undersampling Rate 0.05 0.0 0.05 0.1
Data Param. Rescaling normalization none none none
Data Param. Zero Padding False False False True
Model Param. Number of Estimators 25 20 20 10
Model Param. Max Dilations per Kernel 64 32 64 32
Model Param. Class Weight None None None None
Model Param. Random State 42 42 42 42
Performance Accuracy (Cross-Val.) 0.82 0.89 0.84 0.84
Performance Macro F1 (Cross-Val.) 0.74 0.77 0.55 0.76
Performance Accuracy (Test) 0.80 0.87 0.76 N/A
Performance Macro F1 (Test) 0.75 0.73 0.55 N/A

Best configs of other models: