This document is a walkthrough of the methods and code used to analyze the chromosome-level pea aphid genome assembly (AL4 assembly). In the aphid paper, we used HiC and Chicago library to build the chromosome-level assembly and analyzed gene family evolution on chromosomes. We also sequenced seven A. pisum individuals for detecting X chromosome, carotenoid gene and wing-dimorphism related sequence variations.
Download the AL4 assembly under the NCBI accession number: PRJNA496478. The AL4 assembly will be called assembly.fasta in this pipeline.
Install BUSCO version 3.0.2 and Insecta near-universal single-copy orthologs from OrthoDB v9:
python -i assembly.fasta -l ./insecta_odb9/ -m geno -f -o busco_output -c 8 > assembly.log
Microsatellite primer sequences can be found under: ./step_1.2/
Scripts can be found: ./step_1.2/
The R script for Figure 2 can be found under: ./step_1.2/
Data and scripts can be found: ./step_1.3/
The R script for Figure 3 is also under: ./step_1.3/
The control file for MAKER can be found under ./step_2/
nohup wq_maker -contigs-per-split 1 -cores 1 -memory 204800 -disk 409600 -N wq_aphid_${USER} -d all -o master.dbg -debug_size_limit=0 -stats test_out_stats.txt > log_file.txt 2>&1 &
Scripts relate to BLASTP and finding reciprecal best BLAST hits: ./step_3/
The R script for Figure 4 is also under: ./step_3/
LAST alignment and Circos plot script is under: ./step_3/circos/
Scripts can be found under: ./step_4/
Li, Y., Park, H., Smith, T.E. and Moran, N.A., 2019. Gene family evolution in the pea aphid based on chromosome-level genome assembly. Molecular biology and evolution, 36(10), pp.2143-2156.