
How to add KITTI classes?

yhchang1120 opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm trying to add two classes(Truck and Van) for model to train.
So, I modified some parts of files and trained model.

Changed file list and contents are below.

  1. configs/smoke_gn_vector.yaml
    (line 7) DETECT_CLASSES: ('Car', 'Cyclist', 'Pedestrian', 'Truck', 'Van')

  2. smoke/configs/defaults.py
    (line 52) _C.DATASETS.DETECT_CLASSES = ("Car", "Cyclist", "Pedestrian", "Truck", "Van")
    (line 116) _C.MODEL.SMOKE_HEAD.DIMENSION_REFERENCE = ((3.88, 1.63, 1.53),
    (1.78, 1.70, 0.58),
    (0.88, 1.73, 0.67),
    (10.11, 2.59, 3.25),
    (5.08, 1.90, 2.21)


  3. smoke/data/datasets/kitti.py
    (line 19) TYPE_ID_CONVERSION = {
    'Car': 0,
    'Cyclist': 1,
    'Pedestrian': 2,
    'Truck': 3,
    'Van': 4


  4. smoke/data/datasets/evaluation/kitti/kitti_eval.py
    (line 8) ID_TYPE_CONVERSION = {
    0: 'Car',
    1: 'Cyclist',
    2: 'Pedestrian',
    3: 'Truck',
    4: 'Van'


  5. smoke/modeling/smoke_coder.py
    (line 254)
    sc = SMOKECoder(depth_ref=(28.01, 16.32),
    dim_ref=((3.88, 1.63, 1.53),
    (1.78, 1.70, 0.58),
    (0.88, 1.73, 0.67),
    (10.11, 2.59, 3.25),
    (5.08, 1.90, 2.21)))


after that, i tested on test datasets and get poor result.
It only could detects a little of Car class and most of inference results were empty text files(0 bytes).

Did I missed something?
If anyone tried to add other KITTI classes, please notice me which parts were wrong... :D
Thank you.

Hi,I have the same problem, the training model with my own data,but the inference results were empty text files(0 bytes), have you solved it?

Hi,I have the same problem, the training model with my own data,but the inference results were empty text files(0 bytes), have you solved it?

Hi, @xiongqf-alice,.
Actually, I didn't solved it.
I'll reopen this issue.

Hi,I have the same problem, the training model with my own data,but the inference results were empty text files(0 bytes), have you solved it?

Hi, @xiongqf-alice,. Actually, I didn't solved it. I'll reopen this issue.

Hi, I solved it, you only need to modified ImageSets/train.txt, the train.txt as follows:

Dear yhchang1120, have you solve this problem?? I do the same modify as yours , i add to 10 classes, but also get poor results. Have you modify anything else to solve this problem?

I also observe the losses situation, it seems that the ”location“ in reg loss degrates well, but the 'dim' and 'ori' are very bad ,they are totally not deline T T. The hm_loss is also bad.

Hi,I have the same problem, the training model with my own data,but the inference results were empty text files(0 bytes), have you solved it?

Hi, @xiongqf-alice,. Actually, I didn't solved it. I'll reopen this issue.

Dear yhchang1120, have you solve this problem?? I do the same modify as yours , i add to 10 classes, but also get poor results. Have you modify anything else to solve this problem?