- 1
apply for random photos
#45 opened by mkaskov - 2
#88 opened by dandervis - 1
About Evaluation on Val Split
#89 opened by arwagh - 1
- 0
Eager for pretrained model
#90 opened by 1gjjuser1 - 2
- 6
Different imagesize
#42 opened by chinnikrishna55 - 0
- 2
Does anyone deploy this model in TensorRT format?
#76 opened by hitbuyi - 0
#85 opened by zzy0731 - 3
why smoke predict box3d so good?
#84 opened by Kerry678231 - 7
Run SMOKE on cuda 11.x environment!
#56 opened by yhchang1120 - 1
Implementation on Windows
#75 opened by HassanHotait - 1
how can we get the raw video kitti
#63 opened by Chenzixi1 - 2
ImportError:cannot import name ' download_ url_ to file' from 'torch .hub' ( /home/dyj/ anaconda3/envs/SMOKE/lib/python3.7/site- packages/torch hub. py)
#62 opened by Lan2Kailee - 1
- 0
#83 opened by Mediumcore - 6
How to add KITTI classes?
#69 opened by yhchang1120 - 1
- 0
How to train my own dataset with 10 classes?
#82 opened by zhaowei0315 - 1
smoke 输出在2d图像画3d框,要怎么做呢?
#77 opened by Kerry678231 - 2
How to achieve 3D visualization?
#79 opened by yanweijia-1 - 1
How to visualize..?
#57 opened by ChicagoPark - 0
About how to evaluate after training
#78 opened by yanweijia-1 - 2
- 2
CUDA out of memory
#46 opened - 6
undefined symbol: _ZN6caffe26detail37_typeMetaDataInstance_preallocated_32E
#49 opened by trappist232 - 1
build DCNv2 error
#74 opened by Jenny0420 - 0
losses backward error
#71 opened by FanZhang91 - 0
How to train local images?
#70 opened by hg153418 - 1
can you explain the targets attributes with trans_mat means when inference ?
#61 opened by SmallMunich - 2
evalution error occurred!
#58 opened by iamupd - 1
Loading the pretrained weights into pytorch
#67 opened by josh-wende - 0
errors when training
#68 opened by ShelbyXu9 - 0
other category such as Pedestrian and Cyclist
#66 opened by Ferdinand-Byte - 0
Inference Time
#65 opened by clepz - 2
How did you get ~30ms on runtime?
#64 opened by tlgkyn06 - 2
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'datasets/kitti/testing/ImageSets/test.txt'
#55 opened by Adonis-galaxy - 2
Problems Training SMOKE on custom dataset
#53 opened by yqchau - 2
how to run smoke on RTX3070 GPU?
#52 opened by zhaoxiaolong2020 - 1
- 0
training SMOKE using own dataset
#51 opened by FreddyName - 0
Visualazition problem
#50 opened by maomaoaiTH - 0
- 3
- 0
Requirements.txt ?
#43 opened by shashankvasisht - 1
- 0
Sigmoid activation on wrong regression features
#41 opened by tsubu01 - 2
#39 opened by sdu2011 - 1
How to visualize the prediction results?
#38 opened by guanyuwang0001