NeuroPyxels (npyx) is a python library built for electrophysiologists using Neuropixels electrodes. This package stems from the need of a pythonist who really did not want to transition to MATLAB to work with Neuropixels: it features a suite of core utility functions for loading, processing and plotting Neuropixels data.
Jupyter NotebookGPL-3.0
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Unable to read spikeGLX metadata
#394 opened by Andrianarivelo - 5
How to change cache location?
#384 opened by chris-angeloni - 42
Neuropyxels with Open Ephys data
#96 opened by javierzsm - 12
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Error in "dealing with cupy"
#377 opened by m-azzi - 9
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- 0
.append pandas 2.0.0 deprecation
#318 opened by m-beau - 4
Issue with the outputs of get_npix_sync
#354 opened by nazgulfg92 - 3
Sampling rate from metadata converted to int
#352 opened by nazgulfg92 - 2
IndexError in funtion trn_filtered
#336 opened by FranciscoNaveros - 1
4 shanks channel map waveform plotting bug
#105 opened by XeniaGofman - 5
TypeError from get_npix_sync(dp)
#259 opened by a-savoy - 1
preprocess lf data?
#207 opened by mariehemelt - 2
error with preprocess_binary_file
#199 opened by mariehemelt - 2
extract_rawChunk bug for plotting raw traces
#150 opened by diogoflduarte - 5
Permission error on ubuntu VM
#208 opened by mariehemelt - 1
waveform width sanity check bug
#106 opened by XeniaGofman - 1
Remove all_units and all_feat
#87 opened by MarliesOostland - 1
make y scale of CCGs plots match when zscored
#26 opened by m-beau - 1
H5 Dump Requires Sync/Stim Channel
#145 opened by herzfeldd - 0
No channel bounds checking in `wvf_dsmatch`
#146 opened by herzfeldd - 1
get sync channel bug
#104 opened by XeniaGofman - 1
Y-axis range adjustment for psth plot with raster
#25 opened by BaumlerE - 1
Make PSTH wrapper independant of hvplot, and optionally show as a heatmap per event type
#35 opened by m-beau - 1
Make distance from surface a parameter
#84 opened by MarliesOostland - 1
psth plot title
#27 opened by eiramreldez - 2
missing dependencies
#18 opened by m-beau - 2
plot_acg function issue
#24 opened by eiramreldez - 0
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Tensorflow in setup.py
#33 opened by agolajko - 0