- allenaven
- antukiParis
- arinbasuUniversity of Canterbury School of Health Sciences, Christchurch
- arnim@gesiscss
- bsmith89The Gladstone Institutes
- davebrazeWest Haven, CT
- Davidpjmp@UNAM_MX
- dolcos
- eddjberry
- eyadsibai
- ghxm
- Guozhiming97
- guyuezhenyu
- Helxinki
- jknowlesCivilytics Consulting LLC
- jpvaldesBerlin, Germany
- knaaptime@center-for-open-geographical-science
- m-clarkSenior Machine Learning Scientist @strongio @onesixsolutions
- MarwolaethRSpectre Communications Agency
- MengGuo177
- Microbion
- millecodexAuckland
- mnarayanPasteur's Quadrant
- PsychAnon
- Quantitative72
- snowdj
- talegariGames24x7
- tamaage24
- tjmahrMadison, WI
- zhuguoguo123