
applying multi-agent reinforcement learning for highway-merging autonomous vehicles

Primary LanguagePython

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicles (Use case: Highway on-Ramp Merging)

Applying multi-agent techniques and approaches to the on-Ramp Merging Scenario, and extended from the single agent reinforcement learning. Mainly value-based deep Q-learning and policy-based Advantage Actor-Critic algorithms.


All the MARL algorithms are extended from the single-agent RL with parameter sharing and following centralized training with decentralized execution (CTDE) paradigm by using a centralized controller.

  • MADQN: independent learning and centralized learning (Currently there is a problem with QMIX network).
  • MAA2C: independant and centralized mode.


  • create an python virtual environment: conda create -n marl_cav python=3.6 -y
  • active the virtul environment: conda activate marl_cav
  • install pytorch (torch>=1.2.0): pip install torch===1.7.0 torchvision===0.8.1 torchaudio===0.7.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
  • install the requirements for MARL: pip install -r MARL/requirements.txt
  • install SUMO : sumo docs
  • install CARLA : carla quick start


google drive


To run the training, just run it via python run_maa2c.py or python run_madqn.py. To run the evaluation for existing models, just run it via python test_env.py.

Training curves

Fig.2 Performance comparison between the implemented methods.