- 0
Contig colors in GWSS plots
#583 opened by jonbrenas - 0
More plotting options in plot_* functions
#582 opened by jonbrenas - 2
explanation of site_annotations output
#548 opened by EricRLucas - 1
plot_pairwise_average_fst may change the order of the cohorts when using a cohort dict
#539 opened by jonbrenas - 5
- 0
- 0
Should Fst be clipped between 0 and 1?
#543 opened by sanjaynagi - 2
'AssertionError' when trying to return 'variant_allele' from biallelic_snp_calls()
#516 opened by tristanpwdennis - 1
Study URL in sample_metadata() is hard-coded rather than sourced from manifest.tsv
#562 opened by leehart - 5
FST plotting function error
#567 opened by KellyLBennett - 2
- 0
- 0
Update docs version switcher
#573 opened by leehart - 3
Handle missing discordant read calls for Af1.x
#551 opened by leehart - 7
Anopheles pca() and plot_njt() functions should have sensible defaults for min_minor_ac and max_missing_an
#568 opened by alimanfoo - 4
- 0
Dash set lower wheel zoom sensitivity
#504 opened by alimanfoo - 2
Amend anoph where GQ, AD, MQ are still expected to be alongside GT
#525 opened by leehart - 1
- 0
Upgrade latest_docs.yml to use Node.js 20
#552 opened by leehart - 0
- 0
codecov/project CI check fails but seems to require additional coverage on code unrelated to the PR
#554 opened by leehart - 2
Add option to filter samples by max heterozygosity in advanced diplotype clustering
#557 opened by alimanfoo - 6
Advanced diplotype clustering orders genes in the CNV section by label rather than by genomic position
#558 opened by alimanfoo - 3
Display normal copy number (2) differently from missing CNV call (NaN) in advanced diplotype clustering
#559 opened by alimanfoo - 0
Add Ag3.cross_metadata() to API docs
#566 opened by alimanfoo - 0
FAILED tests/anoph/[af1_sim] - IndexError: index -1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
#571 opened by alimanfoo - 0
Allow fractional value for max_missing_an, e.g. 0.01
#572 opened by leehart - 2
SNP browser to replace Panoptes
#563 opened by EricRLucas - 0
Diplotype clustering title reports the number of amino acid snps, not total snps used in clustering
#556 opened by sanjaynagi - 0
Z score for Fst
#536 opened by jonbrenas - 2
Make the released sequence QC summary stats available
#547 opened by leehart - 0
Anopheles pca() should use default site mask
#545 opened by alimanfoo - 0
- 0
Bokeh BokehDeprecationWarning: 'circle() method with size value' was deprecated in Bokeh 3.4.0 and will be removed, use 'scatter(size=...) instead'
#530 opened by jonbrenas - 0
Pandas FutureWarning: ChainedAssignmentError: behaviour will change in pandas 3.0
#531 opened by jonbrenas - 0
Pandas FutureWarning: 'A' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, please use 'Y' instead
#526 opened by alimanfoo - 1
Key errors on `snp_calls()`
#524 opened by ahernank - 0
Update mailing address on API client info
#518 opened by ahernank - 0
Add support for Python 3.12
#512 opened by alimanfoo - 0
Support authenticated access to GCS
#510 opened by alimanfoo - 1
- 2
`af1.add_extra_metadata()` FileNotFoundError
#505 opened by sanjaynagi - 1
Link to training course in API docs
#488 opened by alimanfoo - 4
- 3
RAM use for Af diversity_stats
#498 opened by jonbrenas - 0
Exclude samples with unassigned taxon from advanced allele frequencies cohorts
#491 opened by alimanfoo - 0
Include project description on PyPI
#492 opened by alimanfoo - 0
Update URL in reprs
#486 opened by alimanfoo - 0
Migrate to ruff
#485 opened by alimanfoo