Pipelines for processing malaria parasite and mosquito genome sequence data.
- 4
Number of SNPs and Indels doesn't match with the numbers reported in README files
#109 opened by Rohit-Satyam - 2
- 3
Repo file and folder structure
#1 opened by alimanfoo - 2
Pipeline versioning strategy
#5 opened by alimanfoo - 1
Add WDL validation CI
#13 opened by alimanfoo - 1
- 3
- 26
Validation/truth datasets for variant calling calibration, comparison and evaluation
#33 opened by alimanfoo - 1
- 0
Use flexible fields in manifest
#70 opened by tnguyensanger - 1
Determine final lanelet manifest fields required for vector alignment and genotyping
#54 opened by tnguyensanger - 0
Cromwell configurations on farm5 are using localization = copy, which explodes size of workflow working directory
#56 opened by tnguyensanger - 0
- 0
malaria-dk lsf group deprecated
#66 opened by tnguyensanger - 3
- 1
- 10
- 0
- 5
- 13
- 5
Mosquito short read alignment pipeline
#2 opened by alimanfoo - 22
Mosquito phasing pipeline development
#44 opened by alimanfoo - 15
Ag3.0 phasing pipeline production run
#80 opened by alimanfoo - 17
Validate results for phasing pipeline
#73 opened by hardingnj - 0
- 1
- 1
Update vector spec to reflect removal of calmd and usage of Picard SetNmMdAndUqTags tool
#17 opened by gbggrant - 0
Fix picards location issue for singulairty
#15 opened by JonKeatley112 - 4
- 8
- 2